
Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Creative Space

I've been masquerading as a quilter this week, sitting on the couch each night, hand stitching this lovely gingham binding.

I've never handstitched a binding before, and I really didn't think I'd enjoy it. I'm usually the queen of quick and easy sewing (which definitely means sewing by machine - not by hand). But, I really surprised myself because it was enjoyable and satisfying to see every little stitch in the process.

After seeing all of Michelle's beautiful Autumn Leaf photos on Instagram, I thought it was high time that I changed my header from Summer to Autumn. I'm only about 6 weeks late...

Maybe I'd better get started on Winter now?

More Creative Spaces


  1. Beautiful colours, the red sets them off really well.

  2. I think sometimes the slow and steady handstitching is good for the those colours and your header is gorgeous x

  3. I love a bit of gingham on a quilt! Hand stitching the binding is very therapeutic. It's my "in front of the telly" project at night after the kids have all dispersed to bed.

    I love your new header!!



  4. There must be a quilting bug going around!!

  5. Gingham bindings are lovely and I think hand stitching is therapeutic. Loving the look of your quilt.

  6. Love that binding, Cam. It works so well with the vintage fabrics.

  7. Perfect choice of binding cam for that gorgeous quilt!

  8. Gosh, I really hope I'm like you and enjoy the hand stitching, I am up the the binding stage of my first ever quilt and have been procrastinating for ages because I can't bear the thought of all the hand stitching! Looking forward to seeing a finished photo of yours.


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