
Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Quilt for Cam

Photos via Instagram #quiltforcam

I've been trying to write this blog post for the last week.  But, I've been back at the Alfred four days out of five this week, plus a trip to RMH, so I've been a bit too tired and completely lost for words.

I'm going to try the best I can, but I'm not quite sure that any words I write, will do the story justice.

This is one of those stories that seems like a fairytale. Things like this don't really happen in this day and age... do they?

Last year, purely by chance, I was lucky enough to meet Deb in real life. I didn't realise it at the time, but she'd travelled from NZ to Melbourne for a family wedding. She had posted photos on Instagram and I noticed that she was actually visiting my suburb! We met for coffee and cake, and chatted so much that we had to leave the cafe as it was closing.

Not long after my transplant call, Deb hatched an ingenious idea to collect fabrics and start making me a quilt. I was in ICU for the first eight days, so I was completely oblivious to the happenings in crafty instagram world!

You can imagine the shock, surprise and delight when I finally checked my instagram and worked out what was happening behind the scenes.

I've been watching in wonder while the photos have been popping up with the #quiltforcam hashtag.

Deb also wrote the most beautiful post for the FilmLife Project Blog challenge.

The winner is going to be announced at tonights FilmLife screening. I'm very excited to be going along as it'll be my first major social outing since transplant.

There's a part two to this story...

I was already overwhelmed that this amazing quilt was being put together just for me. But then there was the logistics of getting it all the way from Christchurch to Melbourne in one piece.

Deb really wanted to deliver the quilt in person and put the call out for help. An amazing lady named Sophie answered the call, and with the help of The Sisterhood, they raised enough money for an airfare in one afternoon.

It was completely unbelievable!

Last Friday night, Deb flew all the way to Melbourne with my beautiful quilt, and then Deb and Michelle came to visit on Saturday to hand deliver it.

We had a lovely afternoon of non-stop chatting and quilt fondling.

The light isn't great in this photo but I had to hang it on the wall for a while just so I could marvel in the beautiful colours. I adore the random fabric placement.

The backing is a beautiful vintage sheet (totally my style and colours).

I really have to thank everyone who contributed to the beautiful quilt, and everyone who helped to get Deb to Melbourne to deliver it.

It's one of those things that I'll be able to keep forever, and it will always have such an amazing story to go with it.

To the wonderful ladies from The Sisterhood - thankyou so much for the extra surprise. I'll have my new bicycle very soon!


  1. I was so happy to have been just a teeny weeny part of the cunning plan. The double bonus of that day was seeing you looking so pink and well.

    I still can't quite believe Saturday happened. The gorgeous quilt, Deb coming to town, and seeing you. It was all just a bit surreal. Can't imagine what it must have been like for you!

  2. Gorgeous, Cam - a great story and a quilt that is so very you.

  3. It is like a real life fairy tale isn't it, you totally deserve every moment of it xx

  4. Oh Cam, it really is just you! How wonderful are these friends and sisters!

  5. This is a wonderful and inspiring story Cam! I don't think it could have happened to anyone more deserving =-) It is a gorgeous quilt for a gorgeous lady!!

  6. What a lovely story. Isn't it wonderful to have so many lovely people thinking of you? I'm sure you would do the same for others and you absolutely deserve such a wonderful gift.

  7. A story of love and a quilt to love. You totally deserve it for the kindness you show others just by being you. Those other ladies are amazing too. Cherrie

  8. such a wonderful thing to happen for you Cam and such lovely sweet ladies who made it all happen, you are blessed with friends!!! xxxxx

  9. What a beautiful proof of love!

  10. wow...great story and wonderful quilt!
    well done to those ladies that prove that quilters/crafters are the BEST!

  11. What a beautiful story ( and quilt ) for a beautiful person xo

  12. Oh Cam, that is the most beautiful gift and the card is making me all teary.
    Hope you are feeling strong and so glad Deb was able to get here to hand deliver it to you.
    Keep well

  13. What a joy it is to know there are such people in the world. I believe you partook of the rainbow toes that Anna organised when I was going through the horrors last year. That book of photos from all over the world still brings joy and warmth to me and my girls whenever we look at it and we look at it often. Blogdom is a far more interesting and special place than I ever realised when I first joined it. Good karma to you, Cam. You reap what you sew! x

  14. That's so touching! You do indeed deserve all the love in the world, and this will always be a physical reminder. xx

  15. A stunning quilt and such wonderful friends! People are so great. x

  16. That is truly gorgeous, both the quilt and the thoughtfulness and action behind it. Well done to everyone involved in it's construction and getting it to you. Such an amazing gift!

  17. That's a truly wonderful story. It;s wonderful to hear of so many people wanting to and doing something lovely for you.

  18. What an amazing thing to own and to do! As you say, not often that people do things like this these days!! It is lovely!

  19. You truly deserve to be on the end of this wonderful kind act. xx

  20. what a beautiful, happy quilt and what an awesome story!!

    I totally missed the #quiltforcam on instagram - what a gorgeous idea and how amazing that Deb was able to come across from NZ (and Michelle from Canberra?) to give it to you. I so love this wonderful online world of creative, crafty people.

    Thanks so much for sharing the story. I've clicked across and read Deb's lovely posts too. Catherine x

  21. Beautiful Cam, and beautiful, Cam ;)


  22. gorgeous quilt and such wonderful people who made it possible!

  23. Nice story and I love the design of the quilt.

  24. Wow, I dont think I could ever tire of looking at this gorgeous quilt! It is stunning. So much love has been sewn into this quilt, all for you. Cat xox


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