
Thursday, May 23, 2013

My Creative Space...

Well, other than the Great Bedroom Drawer Makeover, I've also been working on some new fabric designs this week....

These ones will be flying (pun intended) their way to my place very soon!

I couldn't resist adding some retro style floral prints as they're my absolute favourites.

The aeroplane fabric was based on this little travel map that I blogged in December.

I thought the aeroplanes would work perfectly with the cloud fabric (which was based on my rainbow design).

I can't wait for them to arrive so I can add them to the rest of my collection!

More creative spaces


  1. Brilliant Cam ~ how awesome to have your own collection! x

  2. What cotton do you usually ask for your designs to be printed on to?

    You're very talented, your designs are marvellous.

  3. they are fab ! Sorry I cant do the hottie challenge after all, I would have loved it but no time at the moment.

  4. they are fab ! Sorry I cant do the hottie challenge after all, I would have loved it but no time at the moment.


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