
Friday, June 28, 2013

Tomorrow... first market in two years!


Tomorrow from 10AM - 3PM I'll be pimping my wares at the Craft With Heart Market. It's been such a long time since I've been able to do a market - I'm very excited!

Hopefully it'll lead to bigger things (if you get my drift)...

I'll have a few of my Cloth Doll Kits available for sale, as well as some finished Cloth Dolls (for those who'd rather just buy a completed version.

I'm also going to bring along a set of my new teatowels... so you'll be the first to see them if your an early bird.

I've been having fun playing around with chain and recycled beads, so I have a huge selection of necklaces to choose from...

And for the first time in FOREVER, I whipped up a couple of handbags

There's a little bit of everything I make up for grabs, so be there, or be square!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Can You Hear the Crickets?

 This is one of my new teatowel samples - available soon!

I haven't had the chance to blog much lately even though I have lots and lots to show you!

I'm busy collecting and photographing Hotties before I take the final lot into Open Drawer on Friday. I have about a bazillion Hottie photos to edit and show you very soon.

I'm also helping with the organisation of the Heart and Lung Transplant Trust (Vic) Trivia night this Saturday. There are still tickets available and they can be purchased online.

We've had some amazing prize donations for the silent auctions and raffles - they deserve an extra special thankyou post!

Oh yeah.... and I'm doing my first market stall in two years this Saturday too.... along with filling in for two weeks at my old job while one of the girls is off on holidays.

So if you don't see me around these parts, you definitely know why!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Hottie Mail

My mailbox has been absolutely overflowing this week!

Sooooo many hotties... 59 so far in fact. Even though we've reached the due date, please keep sending them in as I'll take another lot over to Open Drawer next week, so that Prue and Robyn can start hanging them in the gallery in readiness for the exhibition.

It's all getting very exciting now

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Hottie Challenge Invitation

Here it is lovely crafty peeps - the official invitation for the Hottie Challenge Exhibition at Open Drawer Art Textiles and Learning Centre.

It's all getting very exciting as the packages are piling up. I'm off to the post office soon to pick up todays delivery. I wonder what will be there?

Please feel free to save the invitation and share it around with all your family and friends so that they can all come along and check it out.

If you'd like a sneaky peek at what's been happening while all the creating has been going on, then make sure you check out the hashtag #hottiechallenge2013 on Instagram. As of right now, there's 164 photos tagged.

All I can so so far is WOW - the crafty community is amazing!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

My Hotties!

Occassionally I'm the Queen of indecision...

This years Hottie Design was one of those times!

I couldn't decide whether to go with pretty and serious, or silly and amusing, so I decided to go with both designs and have them printed. I'm entering the one above on behalf of my sister. The angel wings signify my new lungs.... donated by an angel somewhere.

I've used invisible thread to stitch an outline around the outside so that they stand out when you look closely.

And for the silly and amusing... how could I go past Rhonda and Katut?


Saturday, June 15, 2013

It's a Hottiepalooza!

Oh my goodness, I've been totally blown away from the all of the amazing Hotties that have arrived so far.

My postie is going to be run off his feet this week as we approach the deadline this Thursday June 20th!

So for your viewing pleasure... here's the next batch of gorgeousness.

Hottie Clock by Alice

Hottie by Amanda from Krafty Panda

Hottie by Bron from Stop That Owl

Hottie by Jennie from A Little Vintage

Hottie by Jess from Trying Something New

Hottie by Louana from NZ Green Buttons

Hottie by Loukia from Loukiarama

Hottie by Magdalena from The Craft Revival

Hottie by Rebekah from Bekahdu Handmade

Hottie by Shelley from Spincushions

Hottie by Sue from Paddys Daughter

Hottie by Liz from Betty Jo 

I absolutely love how they are all so unique - so many different techniques and materials.

My photos don't do justice to their beauty. I highly recommend coming along to the exhibiton so that you can really see the gorgeous work in close up!

There's not long to go - I'd better get back to work!

Friday, June 14, 2013

World Blood Donor Day

It's June 14th which is World Blood Donor Day.

I'm thankful each and every day for those who take the time to donate blood. Without my 4 weekly infusion of Intragam (made from donated blood and plasma), I wouldn't have any antibodies to be able to fight viruses or infections.

I also had a lot of bleeding issues during my double lung tranplant. I found out at Haemotology Clinic last week that I needed nine units of blood products (that's a whole lot) including whole blood, red cells, and platelets. I still have a few issues with my platelet counts and so I may still need more.

So I really want to say thankyou to anyone who has donated blood, but especially to those who are regular donors. You seriously are absolute lifesavers! Without you I most certainly wouldn't still be here.

If you'd like to donate, you can book online or simply just call 131495

Thankyou x

Edited: Serendipitously I received a letter from Haemotolgy Clinic in the mail today with a proper listing of what blood products I received during transplant:

6 units red cells
1200mL on the cell saver returned
7 units FFP (fresh frozen plasma)
1 unit of platelets

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Introducing Poppy and Harry - Cloth Doll Kits

The Cloth Doll Kits are finally here... and they now have names!

Thankyou so much to Rachael for suggesting Poppy, and to Tracey for suggesting Harry. I'll be in contact so that you can choose a kit as a reward.

The Poppy Kit contains pre-printed fabric panels to make the cloth doll, along with a halter dress and a cape.

The Harry Kit contains pre-printed fabric panels to make the cloth doll, along with a cape.

The kits come with step by step instructions. They're super easy to follow along with, and even the kids can get involved.

Hope you all like them!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Do you wallpaper?

I had so much fun making over my bedroom chest of drawers with wallpaper recently, that I thought I'd share the love.

I'm releasing twelve different wallpaper designs in small craft packs.

They're perfect for artwork, cardmaking, scrapbooking, furniture makeovers.... hey, you could even use them on the wall!

Each pack comes with full 'how to' instructions...

There are three designs in each pack.

 Now ready and waiting in the shop!

PS - I'll be writing a little 'Drawer Makeover How To' guide very soon - I promise!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Kooky Kraft Klub - Grand Opening Tomorrow

Super exciting news! I can finally announce my new stockist in the Western Suburbs.

Kooky Kraft Klub is opening it's doors for business with a grand opening on Saturday. It's a beautiful little shop filled to the brim with handmade goodness.....

......and all sorts of haberdashery and craft supplies.

There's a great workshop out the back where they'll be running lots of craft classes and events. I've already put my name down for macrame lessons.

You'll find a full range of CurlyPops goodies on offer along with lots of other fantastic designers and makers.

It's in a great position just a couple of doors down from Gravy Train Cafe, and there's another cafe directly across the road (I'm just not sure what that one is called).

The shop is at 53B Gamon St, Yarraville - just look for the lovely yarnbombed pole out the front!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

...and the Postman delivers new fabric!

I was supposed to go to work today, but I'm so glad I didn't, because I would have missed the Postie!

I almost did miss him as I had the music blaring and didn't hear the knock at the door.

Thank goodness for Mr Limpy Houdini dog and his incessant barking!

These two are now in the shop!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday Snippets

So it's been a rather magnificent week...

The sun has been shining, and I've had an entire week without any hospital / medical visits (except for one measly blood test).

I returned to my old job for a couple of days of contracting work... (wearing my Polly Pratt Wendy Dress)

I packed up lots of stock and delivered them to my brand new stockist Kooky Kraft Klub.

I'm so excited to finally have a stockist in the Western Suburbs. They're officially opening for business next Saturday 8th June and you can find the shop at 83B Gamon St, Yarraville (just a couple of doors away from Gravy Train Cafe)

I tested out one final prototype of the Cloth Doll Design....

Had coffee and cake with a friend...

Sent off the final design to the printers (eeeek)!

Set myself a new personal best on the bike - 9.5 kilometres... phew!

Packaged up my brand new Gift Tags to send off into the world (I'm a little bit in love with the floursecent orange string too)

...and reminisced about the evolution of the species of Cloth Dolls

It'll be a bit quiet around these parts this coming week. On Monday I have a physio assessment at the Alfred, a meeting at work, and then I have to go back to the Alfred to stay overnight for a sleep test with my BiPap. Tuesday morning I have yet another Bronchoscopy, Wednesday morning I have my Intragam infusion, and then Haemtology Clinic in the afternoon, Thursday I have the day off (thank god), and then Friday I have Transplant Clinic, before I leave to go away for the weekend.

I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I think it's time to get off the computer and start writing a list!

Have a great week!

Sunday Snippets with Tinniegirl