
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Sunday Snippets

So it's been a rather magnificent week...

The sun has been shining, and I've had an entire week without any hospital / medical visits (except for one measly blood test).

I returned to my old job for a couple of days of contracting work... (wearing my Polly Pratt Wendy Dress)

I packed up lots of stock and delivered them to my brand new stockist Kooky Kraft Klub.

I'm so excited to finally have a stockist in the Western Suburbs. They're officially opening for business next Saturday 8th June and you can find the shop at 83B Gamon St, Yarraville (just a couple of doors away from Gravy Train Cafe)

I tested out one final prototype of the Cloth Doll Design....

Had coffee and cake with a friend...

Sent off the final design to the printers (eeeek)!

Set myself a new personal best on the bike - 9.5 kilometres... phew!

Packaged up my brand new Gift Tags to send off into the world (I'm a little bit in love with the floursecent orange string too)

...and reminisced about the evolution of the species of Cloth Dolls

It'll be a bit quiet around these parts this coming week. On Monday I have a physio assessment at the Alfred, a meeting at work, and then I have to go back to the Alfred to stay overnight for a sleep test with my BiPap. Tuesday morning I have yet another Bronchoscopy, Wednesday morning I have my Intragam infusion, and then Haemtology Clinic in the afternoon, Thursday I have the day off (thank god), and then Friday I have Transplant Clinic, before I leave to go away for the weekend.

I'm exhausted just thinking about it. I think it's time to get off the computer and start writing a list!

Have a great week!

Sunday Snippets with Tinniegirl


  1. A whole week without hospital visits, so exciting! What a pity next week makes up for it. However, it sounds like you have a nice reward at the end of the week with a weekend away?
    All the best for the upcoming appointments x

  2. Sounds like you have had a brilliant week, Cam. You have taken to the cycling thing like a duck to water.

    Hope it has energised you for the week ahead. Full on! Will be thinking of you.


  3. I love reading about your week - more about how far you have come! 9.5 km! Hooray!!!

    Have a good week - I know it will be trying. But just think of that luscious long weekend!

  4. I love how this post is full of color. It's nice to know you have a great weekend to look forward too. Keep your mind on that and good luck this week!

  5. So many shiny things to distract me on this post! LOVE. I shall be be around the hospital a bit this week too, pulling a day shift on Wednesday while Mark spends some quality time getting scans. We need some sort of fun scavenger hunt at the Alfred. Hospital tag? Hmmm...

  6. Life is good it seems in the CurlyPops world! So good to hear you are happy and enjoying everything you can possibly fit into your weeks. You'll be doing some Rail Trail rides next. Hope this week all goes smoothly and you enjoy your weekend away! You are a very inspiring person, I so admire how positive and motivated you are.

  7. from one week with only a visit from a vampire to a week full of the hospital :/

    and congrats on the biking distance :D


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