
Sunday, October 26, 2014

What I've been up to

Long time between posts....

Now that I have these new lungs, there's just no time left to sit at the computer composing blog posts.

I'm out and about enjoying life as much as possible.

So just in case you were wondering what I'd been up to.... here's a little photo montage update (in no particular order of course)


  1. Enjoying new lungs and living your life properly is way more important then a blog!!

    but still really glad you post pics on instagram :)

  2. Fantastic to see you looking so well, Cam! You certainly seem to be living life to the full Have fun!

  3. I haven't been here in a while. So good to see your life picking up momentum. I have noticed that people with serious illness have a finer appreciation for the ordinary things. I know a girl who is chronically sick and her goals are to be able to do everyday things that her friends do.

  4. Kinda figured you might have been busy! Lovely to hear from you again, you must have read my mind because I was thinking about you just the other day and wondering what you had been up to- and now I know!

  5. Wonderful to see you enjoying life to the fullest! Well done, your family must all be so thankful! Lovely photos.......but where were you with those bolts of fabrics?
    Take care, Annette

  6. You're giving and also living! That's the best life - a full one filled with love, family and friends!

  7. You seem to be rockin' those new lungs, Cam. Totally forgiven for being out there and living with the freedom that you were unable to embrace for such a long time.

    I think of you a lot and am so glad that all is going so well. You look fabulous. xx

  8. All the living! Look at you go, you seem to just be endless energy. You so deserve all of this x

  9. Great to see you enjoying life and making the best possible use of those lungs!

  10. Living to the max....awesome xx

  11. I've just checked in on my blog reader for the first time in quite a while as was surprised to only see one update from you; but what an update! This post makes me so happy it brought a tear to my eye. It's amazing to see what you can do now!

  12. Just a lovely outcome so happ
    y for you.


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