
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Giveaways and new blogs...

There are lots of fantastic giveaways happening in good ol' blogland at the moment, so you should do yourself a favour and check out these fabulouso blogs, and enter while you're there...make sure to say "hi" from me too!

Lino Forest - Beautiful owl brooch
Big Cat's Emporium - Blogtoberfest launch
Daisy Chain - 100th Post - Win Baz
Hanging with my Nomies - Vintage CWA teatowels
Lottielulu - Vintage Patterns

Here are another couple of great new blogs too...

The Crafty Librarian

and last but absolutely not have to head over to Poppalina for this post....


  1. I love that post!

    I also love the way you are so generous with your blog, and comments, the way you let people know about giveaways, and new blogs, it's just lovely. Don't mean to gush (not a gusher) but had to say it!


  2. That Poppalina post is great.

    You know we might have to put you in charge of sharing giveaway news for the festival. A few people are saying they have some plans.


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