
Sunday, June 21, 2009

A cold day in Melbourne Town

My stall

The market didn't go as well as I'd hoped yesterday. We set up out the front of the church, just in time for a passing rain shower, and then the winds started gusting and blowing everything away.

We moved around to the side of the church, which was a little less windy..... but freezing cold.

Luckily, all of the lovely stallholders like to have a good chat, so we all managed to keep each other amused amongst the shivering.

We had lots of lovely locals come to visit - Nikki, Lara (happy birthday for yesterday), Liz, Jasperboy Jen... I hope I haven't missed anyone.

Mr Flickettysplits hand delivered my custom ordered draught snake to the church market, while Mrs Flickettysplits was busy at the town hall market.

I came with some lovely goodies (as per usual), which I'll show later in the week. I also came home with cupcakes and gingerbread men (already eaten) from Melbourne Epicure... and a lovely Olive Loaf which will be demolished today.

Now it's time to unpack the car and clean the - NOT!


  1. great to see you yesterday Cam. Thanks for my gorgeous apron & bib for my nephew.
    Will put them up as soon as I have dealt with the mess in my house... :(
    glad you enjoyed the treats.

  2. Wasn't your brooch stand practically empty when I visited? It's looking pretty full in the pic.

  3. Ooh, don't you go getting sick, Sewjourn on soon! Pity it was so cold and yucky, still would have loved to come though. BTW, is there a spot in Made It where I go to get my button for my sotre? Yours are so pretty, I haven't linked my blog to my shop yet!
    PS Would come and help, but you'd have to come here to do mine! haha

  4. Sorry to hear to weather didn't play nice... Still looking at your pics through the monitor from here, it all looks like the best market ever!!!!

  5. So sad to hear about the weather and not so great market...The stall look all fabulous!
    Hope next one will be better;)
    Good luck for the after market bit...

  6. I have just hit upon the most stupendous solution for frosty marketing: the wheat bag suit. Maybe Michelin Man-esque in aesthetic, but imagine if you will, the toasty warmth after a quick spin in the microwave...

  7. A bit diappointing for you and all the stall holders Cam... but as you said, at least the company was amusing and you took home some tasty treats.

  8. Brr, a cold day to be outside!

    I think Justine from TWNH said this might be a monthly event. But perhaps winter isn't such a good time to start such an endeavour.

  9. You can't win em all Cam. Good on you for getting out there!

  10. Sorry to hear the weather was so crappy..ahh, Melbourne atmospheric! On the plus side your stall looks fabulous and it sounds like you had fun with the other crafty sorts. Hope you are warm and toasty and snuggled up x

  11. The market looked and sounded fabulous...shame about the weather.

  12. Oh the weather :(
    But your table looked gorgeous!

  13. your stall looks nice and colourful. shame about the weather :/

  14. Shame about the waether. But at least there were cupcakes to brighten the day!

  15. your stall looks amazing...
    so sad to here about the weather...
    that's the down side with markets...
    even if you have a stall undercover the buyers don't tend to go out in the crappy weather...
    love the pics though!!!

  16. I seem to miss all the markets! My memory is shocking. Bummer too, this is another one close by home. Shame it didn't go as well as you hoped, but it does sound like you had a nice time catching up with people. :o)

  17. At least I learned that the number one question to ask when being offered a stall is "will it be indoors?" Brrrrrr........


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