
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Late Stitchy Mail

Better late than never!

I've finally managed to send off my creation for the Stitched Postcard Swap.

I've been working on it slowly over about four weeks now. When I began, I actually completely forgot that there was a time theme. So, I ended up taking my original idea, and tweaking it to make it fit.

The doily and sequins are supposed to represent a clock (work with me peeps... can you see it?). Just don't count the number of sequins - I completely failed with the representation of the numbers...whoops!

I tried to embroider the quote, but I've decided that I'm just really really bad at embroidery. I don't have the patience, and it ends up looking like it was stitched by a pre-schooler (not really the look I was going for on this occassion, and not meaning to offend any pre-schoolers).

I used some printable canvas for the back of the card (which my printer really did not like). It kept jamming up inside the rollers, but I eventually ended up with something useable and readable (as opposed to messy and smudged).

To make it nice and stiff (like a cardboard postcard should be) I used a layer of Vilene S520 interfacing on the back of the canvas.

On the back of the postcard, I wanted to give an explanation of  the meaning behind the quote (thankyou google).

I really liked what I found because it's actually a great little motto - a timely effort will prevent more work later.

My little postcard is heading over to Kristin in the USA. I'm sure she doesn't read my blog, so I'm safe in posting photos while still keeping it a surprise. I'm not going to add photos to the Flickr group just yet.

I was actually chuckling to myself while filling out the customs declaration at the post office today. How do you describe what you're sending??? Are the customs employees going to wonder what on earth a Stitched Postcard is??? Hmmmm something to ponder todaay....


  1. Oh, I want to receive one of these postcards. I wish I had of gotten in on the action. This looks fantastic and I wouldn't worry about the missing hours on the clock, it's a fair representation of how people feel :)

  2. That postcard is sooooo cute! I ♥ it!

  3. I love this, its gorgeous and clever!

  4. I saw th clock immediately and thought (I must be blonde) you had managed the dots perfectly. I looked at heaps of doilies while deciding what to do for mine because I wanted one with either 6 or 12 points and couldn't find any. You have put so much effort in this and it is beautiful.

  5. It's absolutely gorgeous ... i love the colour combination (a certain red and black camera bag springs to mind!) and it fits the saying perfectly. another fab idea to bookmark for later inspiration.

  6. Very cool! You're a very clever woman! :)

  7. The edges look great! Better idea than the blanket stitching, for sure! She's so lucky!

  8. wowowowow yours looks amazing!
    bit more complicated than my stitch in time which DID look like it was stitched by a preschooler ha ha

    how annoying is that customs declaration? i just wrote postcard!


  9. Great work, really nice detail....and I did laugh at the embroidery part because I'm exactly the same, mine looks like my 5yo niece did it!

  10. I love your postcard! I love the colours & detail on the front & the meaning on the back is so clever, looks great!

  11. I reckon you did a great job and I agree, a very appropriate quote. It's fun doing something outside the ordinary isn't it! Except maybe for the printing thing. : )

  12. Thats a great postcard! I love the explanation of the expression on the back, and that you beat your printer into submission to get it looking just right. I'm sure the recipient is going to love it.

  13. Oh my god Cam, it's absolutelly stunning. Really beautiful, she will be over the moon. xo

  14. very cool! Much better than mine haha! I do love it, I wrote "stitched postcard" on my customs form.. Im sure that will seem interesting, and when it came to how much is it worth... I just put a ?? how can you put a value on something like that? i hope the recipient likes it :)

  15. i think it is fantastic. so many interesting processes. and printable canvas-who knew. she should be some happy camper to receive it

  16. Cam I think it is fabulous. Those customs guys are going to be wondering what you are talking about

  17. Oh it's lovely! I have the same issue with the customs forms - will they wonder what a chicken pincushion/doorstop looks like?

  18. They should start selling your kind of postcards at the post office!! Customs opened up a parcel marked quilt coming into Australia for me and left a little note saying they found nothing illegal and everything was left as it was found... I wonder what the note would say if they did find something?? haha

    xo Steph

  19. Its really pretty and the printing on the back worked out a treat. Lovely!

  20. wow Cam this is STUNNING, so gorgeous

  21. Oh that is magic!! Such gorgeous work and such gorgeous sentiments. Bravo! Hope you are having a brilliant week :)

  22. wow that is just beautiful, i love it. so well designed. do you mind if i ask where you got the canvas? i use similiar stuff for my labels and have recently run out. i just can't remember where i bought it originally and haven't been able to find any?

  23. i hate customs forms, i always end up arguing with the post people because they think I'm sending something different then what I list. ugh

    this is a great postcard :D saw the clock right away and adding the explanation of the quote on the back is a really good idea. learn something new everyday, good to know the meaning behind this quote. :)

  24. Wow, this is gorgeous! You are amazing and very good with what you do.


  25. pretty! I love the doily =)
    so clever!

  26. Pure gorgeousness over here! Happy happy creating. xx

  27. It's lovely, and I hadn't noticed any issue with the clock points! I love the idea of printing onto canvasy type stuff - it's really effective!

  28. That is beautiful, Cam! I hope she frames it. Lisa x

  29. Really well done, love it, looks great and printable canvas eh?

  30. I LOVE THIS!

    Cam, you are so talented :)


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