
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Oh Miranda!

If you squint through the fog you might spot Hanging Rock in the distance

I decided to check Where Is to get directions before I headed off on my day trip to Sewjourn yesterday.  I have a vague memory of taking a wrong turn last year, so I was trying to be diligent and organised this time.

I  plugged in my start address and my end address, and asked it to provide me with the shortest route to my destination (thinking that surely it would mean decent, sealed, dual carriage roads).

 It got worse than this - but this is a spot where I felt safe enough to stop for a photo.

The answer to that question is a big fat HELL NO!

I was absolutely scared witless, driving through mud and potholes in the middle of the bush during a windstorm and in the pouring rain, thinking the whole time that I was going to get swallowed up into the abyss just like poor Miranda. Either that, or a big gum tree was going to fall right on top of my car!

The only saving grace was that I knew I had a packet on mint slice biccies and some jelly snakes, and boiled lollies for sustenance....phew.

So the moral of the story is - the shortest route is not always the smartest (oh, and don't trust Where Is)!


  1. Those country roads can be pretty eerie, not to mention a little dangerous, all part of the fun! At least you had back up sweets to help you through if it all turned bad...

  2. oh my goodness Cam!! what an adventure.
    you know what, luckily you had the stash happening, can you imagine if you were stranded and the rescue team found you with a jelly snake hanging out of your mouth! you would have definitely made today tonight!
    glad you are ok ♥

  3. It is the intrepid few who take the road less travelled who change the world!

  4. Hahaha. And a lottle scary when you start thinking in terms of THAT story. I had nightmares for months afterwards and was petrified, even in a car full of people, to drive in the dark past moonlit gums. We had a similar story in the Hunter Valley a few weeks ago. Aonly in that case it was this Mumma here who got us lost and onto roads so bad and muddy that the L-plater had to give up the driving so that I could do a spot of rally driving. Must have been much worse for you though as you had the rain as well. Cherrie

  5. Oh that looks like an adventure. Stupid WhereIs!

  6. I've had similar directions from Where Is out Eltham way - narrow, winding, pot-holed bush tracks are scary on a fine day. You poor thing driving in those conditions on such an awful day!! Glad you made it through!!!

  7. We ended up on a "school bus route" on our way home from Canberra once. You wouldn't expect giant potholes on a bus route now, would you? Oh, and a kangaroo jumped over the car. That was a long drive!

  8. What a fabulous adventure. Very exciting!

    I had a similar experience many moons ago driving from Canberra to Nowra on the coast. I had asked my father for directions - bad idea! At one point on the dirt track I had to bunny hop the car in first gear up a steep muddy incline gripping onto the handbrake for dear life. Further along I was almost pooing my pants as I passed a sign "beware of planes taking off and landing"?!?! I was wearing my PJs enroute to a funeral. The plan was that I would get changed when I arrived so that I'd be 'fresh'. However I was so late to Great Aunty Betty's funeral that I raced in side wearing said PJs covered up with a coat.

    Thanks so much for sharing your tale. So awful at the time - but so much fun to relive later.

  9. Oh wow, what a scary drive! It was the windiest and wildest day ever yesterday, and I was inside! Glad you had some sugar to see you through xo ps thanks for the Picnic references, that was once my favourite film! Now i have the music running through my head...oh those flutes..

  10. An interesting adventure, glad you had some food in case of emergencies! Never trust Where is or google maps.

  11. hello my friend 0_0
    you are you? your blog looks nice!

    if you got time, please kindly give your comment in my blog.

    thank you.

  12. Oh no, what an awful adventure :( glad you are safe though :)

  13. Never tried WhereIs and now won't. Generally use GoogleMaps, hasn't done me wrong yet. Try an American address as the start point and yours as the destination...always good for a giggle!

    Hope your trip home was less bumpy, rainy and windy

  14. I've learnt that about Where Is as well. It can not be trusted to get you there

  15. at least you had some food and would not have to go feral and hunt down dinner ;)

  16. Oh dear . . . Jodie and I got lost once on the way home and nearly hit a kangaroo!

  17. Looks like where is is as the crow flies ;)

    Glad you got there safe and sound. Yay for the sustenance!

  18. Well I am glad you finally got there safe. Google maps never seems to work for me either. xo m.

  19. Lollies and Biccies always make things better!

  20. We were all very glad when you finally arrived Cam! No more adventures please Ms Curlypops.

  21. Oh dear me!!That would have been really scary!Not a good feeling when you just can not find your the weather looks completely wild!!Glad you made it x

  22. Oh no,how scary.
    Thank goodness you had Mint Slices, Cam!!!

  23. Eeeek - I have done this before in Matts car following Sat Nav and I ended up in the middle of nowhere! I tend to ignore tiny little routes when driving Bumble as it is a sod to try and turn around if needs be!!

  24. Can't believe I missed this post - so similar to our experience with Tom Tom except thankfully it wasn't raining. Give me a good old street directory any day. Glad you made it there safely.

  25. OMG, the same thing happened to my husband and I. We ended up driving through a mountain range / national park in the fog and rain. And to make it worse, it was night time.

    Glad you made it in one piece!


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