
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Going Cuckoo

I've been wanting one of these for the looooooooongest time, so when I won the Betty Jo Fan comp, I knew that I was putting my gift voucher towards my very own cuckoo clock.

Every time I walk past it, I want to break out and sing So Long, Farewell...


  1. What a fantastic clock! I would love to have one of these in the house but I'm a little concerned of the temptation for my kids to pull on the hanging bits and take it off the wall. Congratulations for your win. It's such a great feature for a room : )

  2. So is that one yours? It's super.
    I think I now covet one of those bird necklaces actually... one more thing for the list of things I like (if anyone ever asks, of course - I like to be organised sometimes) that I keep in the back of my diary...
    Lovely, you're a lucky duck!

  3. Just popping in to say 'cuckoo'...(sang in tune, in case you were wondering- ahh, the joys of the internet!)

  4. Love love love it!
    (and your new banner!)x

  5. I'm so glad your wish has come true! What a super duper clock!


  6. Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you!

    Love those cuckoo clocks too, lucky you! Hope you're feeling better too.


  7. ack! going to have this song in my head all day now! :p

  8. Cool Clock, lucky you!! LOve that film! Love the new Blog Header too!!!

  9. oooh new header, very nice :)
    I want a cuckoo clock, but I don't know if it will last in an extreme 1am PMT moment!

  10. Oh, I'm jealous! That is one ultra cute cuckoo clock! I think I want to save my cuckoo purchase for when I finally make it to Europe as my holiday expensive purchase. Because, I will Finally Make It To Europe, just maybe not this year..


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