
Saturday, December 11, 2010

My Happy List

Have you thought about your happy list?

I think about mine nearly every day. I don't need any prompting.

The thing that always makes it to the top of my list, is that I'm happy just to still be here, living this life, a day at a time...

... oh, and I'm also very happy that some bright spark invented chocolate!


  1. I'm happy you're here too. Nice post Cam.

  2. Amazing photo, Oh Chocolate:D Should be on my list!

  3. ditto to what Cathy wrote!
    trust you to include chocolate in there ;)

  4. I'm also happy you're here, Ms Curlypops.

    You have an incredible knack for making other people happy - including me.

    I introduced my one-year-old to Tim Tams today - I think there's no turning back for her! They're her happy thing!

  5. I'm sitting here eating my cocoa, sugar and milk drink so how could I not agree with you?!! A lovely vista you have there too. Cherrie

  6. My happy list today! After a crappy day again! I was sitting in the back of the van and eating dinner with MrS and the four puppios... Beautiful views of the resevouir at Maryborough full to the brim with water with a georgous background of bush! And home to indulge in some Cadbury....!

  7. Life without chocolate would not be worth living. Being happy is good!

  8. that view in that pic makes me happy :)

    and now i want chocolate lol

  9. Specifically Lindt, I would like to add. And those peppermint chocolate bark recipes on the internet. They make me happy too. I also feel blessed most days - to feel the rain, the sun, a baby's hand in mine. Pretty wonderful stuff, living.
    Thank you blog friend!

  10. Beautiful post Cam xxx

    Chocolate... Yummy!!!

  11. Hooray for living in the moment, a day at a time.
    That should be on the top of all our lists.
    I hope you have such a happy, happy day today Cam.
    Thanks heaps for playing and sharing your happy. X

  12. Oh god - I'm soooo happy to still be here too :-)
    Thanks so much for coming by my place with your 'get well' comment - I really appreciate it!

  13. I am happy you are here too! Becuase you, and chocolate, are awesome :)

  14. so happy that you are happy and here. keep up the good work and the chocolate

  15. It's always importnat to remind yourself what you need to do in your life in order to be happy. We have so much pressure from people and family to live a life that they think will make us happy. I think also looking back at life and appreciate what we do still have that makes us happy is important too. How can you be happy if you lack appreciation for what you have?

    -Zane of ontario honey


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