
Sunday, August 7, 2011


I'm jumping on the felty bandwagon and looking forward to a bit of stabby action, and a lesson from Mel at the next NCB.

I picked up this beautiful wool while I was at Open Drawer on Friday.

Do I sense yet another crafty obsession coming on???


  1. Oh fabulous! I think you'll enjoy a bit of therapeutic stubby action. Lovely colours there. I look forward to seeing what you make!

  2. great colours Cam! Me too! I will be getting stabby at the next NCB too. Cannot Wait to see you then! x

  3. Hi Cam..ab fab little balls of woolly goodness. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you medically wise as well! All the best!

  4. Hey those are pretty colours to brighten up you day. Looking forward to seeing some more stabby action at NCB.

  5. oh yeah! looking forward to it! ♥

  6. What an odd coincidence you should post this today... I had someone tell me all about felting in the shop this afternoon {as I had no idea what it was all about}. She said it was incredibly therapeutic {but the little stabbing action she did while she said it was a little disturbing}. I do love your colour choices and can't wait to see the results!

  7. Yes, aim for as many types as crafts as possible. Felting dry and wet is good.

  8. Love the gorgeous colours of your felting wool! I grabbed a whole stack of felting needles on saturday so we can get stabby at NCB next time!

  9. Curly, you're going to LOVE it. Word of advice? Don't work on your lap. Nothing like a fatal stab in the thigh to kill off the enthusiasm...

  10. Ooooo - love the colours! So warming!

  11. Well if the little staby action is perceived as being a little disturbed, then yep, I'm disturbed alright!

  12. Yessss :) and listen to Tania she is correct :) xx

  13. Awesome photo! Have fun felting but don't do what I do... don't felt on your leg... I think I almost gave myself tetnus!!!!!!!!

  14. Oh I'm jealous! Felting is on my craft to do list...can't wait to see what you make!


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