
Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Creative Space...

Unfortunately I have nothing, naada, zilch to show you for My Creative Space today.

It all went horribly wrong and is now residing in the rubbish bin. Oh well. Onwards and Upwards.

I'll just go and check out some other creative spaces instead.


  1. Oh dear.

    On the plus side, you made me laugh.

    My day was full of calls to fairwork to see if my kid is being diddled at her work...

  2. Oh dear : ( that's too bad.
    I admire your honesty though and it brought a smile to my face - I'm sure we've all had days like these.
    ...and remember, tomorrow is another day!

  3. oh dear, it is just not your day is it :(

    And the bin!! Not unravelled or unpicked or un-anythinged, but the bin!

    I have many disaster projects but they just sit in a box together, I can't bear the thought of throwing them away when I've spend hours on them.

  4. Never mind, your'e not on your own there.....we all have those sort of days.........

    Love the sign, hehe...

    CLaire :]

  5. You totally need to turn this into a pin or something, love it! See, you were creative today! xx

  6. Selina is right! This needs to be a pin! We all have such days. xxx

  7. could have taken a pic of the bin ;)

  8. I think the cute button is pretty creative !

    Maybe a new meme.....the craftstaphories.....

    I've got a few lurking in various stages "I'll fix that, just as soon as my frustration has died down completely".

  9. I love that yours make the bin. Mine get thrown (sometimes quite literally) under the bed or in the back of the cupboard. I know that I will never fix or save them - they just sit in there and annoy me. And its getting crowded in there. I should be more decisive and bin them too!

  10. OH Dear Cam, I know those days SO well!! had many and they don't get any easier the more you have.
    I'm with the girls i love the button and may need to borrow it at times


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