
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Oh Sewjo... and Regretsy?

Please come back (pretty please... don't make me beg). I have sooooo much sewing that I really want to get done, and I need to make Carly a totally custom tote bag before she flits off overseas on her next adventure.

I'd been fit and well for such a long time (well as fit and well as you can be while dragging an oxygen trolley around anyway).

I'm really not dealing well with this little bump in the road at the moment.  I'm trying extremely hard not to be all whiney and whingey. *Slaps forehead*

Moving on....

Did you read about my Happy Birthday Queenie Facebook Sale?  I received the strangest comment on this Owl Pouch. I could have just deleted it, but I've purposely left it there for the world to see, as I must say that I'm completely intrigued.

Is it really Where DIY meets WTF enough for Regretsy? I'm quite sure that nothing I make is cool enough for that!

Anyway... I'd love to know your thoughts crafty peeps - would you be upset, offended, chufffed, perplexed or intrigued?

Addendum: I'm pretty sure you can't end up on Regretsy if you don't sell on Etsy in the first place?

Edit: If you've never visited Regretsy before - beware some of the content is quite rude and may offend! 

Update: Mystery solved - the Regretsy comment wasn't actually referring to the pouch. It was something else entirely (gave me a chuckle anyway)!


  1. Well that was just odd. I think your owl is the cutest!

  2. I'd probably have a moment of self-doubt, then think - no its not me this time. Nothing regretsy about it :)

  3. Oh sewjo, where for art thou?! I know the feeling, it doesn't take much for the sewjo to go flying out the window for me these days! Once your lurgy is gone, sewjo will come home.

    As for the regretsy comment, I must admit I did see that yesterday and was a bit perplexed myself! I am a big regretsy fan and can definitely say, sorry, it's not regretsy material. It's cool, just not quite that cool ;)

  4. I don't get it. But then, I just don't get some people!

    I think your owl is a cutie.

  5. I think winter is a curse for sew-jo !
    As for the coment, very odd. I love your title owl. Scratching my head over that one.......

  6. Ummm... no. Just because it isn't to some people's taste, does not make it qualify for regretsy. It's not like it is made out of toenails, or to serve some kind of weird fetish. I think your stuff is perfect Etsy naterial in that it is hand-made and unique. There is no point in hand-making something, if it looks exactly like everything else. Regretsy stuff kind of goes that extra mile... haha.

    I think it was a rude and unnecessary comment.

  7. I'd go for "perplexed". I say the owl pouch is quirky (spelling?) and that's a good thing. All the best fighting of the lurgy and getting your sewjo back.

  8. That's just weird.... I sometimes read Regretsy but I don't see how you owl pouch fits in there... and seeing as how they didn't bother to reply to you... well, I guess that says a lot doesn't it!

  9. Nope, she's a loony. Love your owl.

  10. ....hiding in the corner...rather embarrassed about causing the whole thing...

  11. I thought it was an odd comment too. But glad it's been resolved and wasn't meant for your owl.

    I've looked at Regretsy once. That was enough.

  12. I must say for someone who's lost her sewjo you still seem to get more done than me:) Hope you are feeling better soon. Cyndy

  13. Not even remotely Regretsy! Hope you get your Sewjo back and bulldoze the bump in the road soon. Nic x

  14. I learnt today that criticism means you are famous.

    Glad the mystery of regretsy is solved. If one of my pieces of writing was made fun of I'd feel a bit weird though.


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