
Monday, July 2, 2012

Here's one I made started earlier

It's quite astounding how time can pass by and you don't notice that something was missing until you accidentally find it.

After buying a new (larger) floor rug on Saturday, I realised that I was going to have to move the living area furniture slightly. Can you picture me huffing and puffing and pushing and shoving trying to move heavy couches (torture)?

Unfortunately, once the first piece of furniture was moved, I was horrified at how dirty the floor was underneath.... which meant that each and every single piece of furniture had to be moved so I could sweep and mop underneath (insert much more huffing and puffing and lots of forehead slapping).

Anyway, once I cleared the various baskets of junk from the top of my blanket box, I thought I'd open the lid and see what was inside.

One very old unfinished lap quilt....

I couldn't quite remember when I actually started this one, but it was way back before I even started to blog (or knew anything about quilting).

As you can tell by looking at it, none of these fabrics are quilting fabrics. There's cotton drill, vintage sheeting, cotton voile, curtain fabric with blockout backing etc...

The colour in the red drill bled into the other fabrics in the wash, and there's uneven shrinkage all over the place.

Just did a search through the archives and found this image of the blocks lying on top of my kitchen bench from September 2007. I took a photo at the time so that I could remember the placement, before sewing them together.

Now that it's getting close to five years old, I'm thinking that it might be high time to add some binding and finish it off.

But, what colour and what pattern? Plain, spots, stripes?


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has lots of unfinished projects lying around :) I'd go with a spotty binding.

  2. Yeah I'd go with spotty too!
    (what were you doing - moving a load of furniture around?? XX) (I don't have a clue about quilting either!)

  3. I would go a solid darkish pink to tie it all together. I hope the new rug looks fantastic after all that work!

  4. What a lovely memento of your first quilt. I vote for a nice red binding, if you can find the same shade as the red in it. And it sounds like you got a big workout in with all your furniture moving, I bet you are feeling it today though!

  5. You should have called me over to help! I LOVE rearranging and cleaning OTHER peoples places haha. It's a cute quilt, you have to finish it- maybe a Houdini hand made gift?? I remember those blocks you gave me for the twins quilts included blockout curtain fabric....teehee. I've kept them though, waste not want not!

  6. see, this is why i dont move furniture :p you end up cleaning :p

    hmmm spots??

  7. Its always amusing to find old projects. I'd go spots too. (although I am terribly uncool, so if I am the swaying vote..)

  8. Would it be completely crazy to suggest orange?


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