You may remember the FilmLife Project from last year. It's all about getting young filmmakers involved in capturing stories about organ donation and transplantation on film.
Last year, the workshop was only held in Sydney, but this year, they're expanding to include Melbourne too. So, if you know any young filmmakers between the ages of 16 and 28 who might be interested in a free weekend of filmmaking workshops, get them to sign up .
It's a great opportunity to learn from industry experts!
This year, there is also another FilmLife Blog Competition, with the winning blog receiving a $250 cash prize!
It's really simple to enter (details below from the FilmLife page)
'Make Your Wish Count - Discover, decide and discuss organ and tissue donation'.
Just follow these simple steps:
1. Write a 300-800 word blog post inspired by the theme of DonateLife week 20132. Ensure you’ve included the tagline “make your wish count”
3. Post it on your blog page and include the FilmLife blog comp banner and button (see how below)
4. If you don’t have your own blog site – let us know and we’ll post it at
5. Submit the link to your blog to
6. Entries close midnight Friday February 22nd 2013
7. Share your blog on twitter by using #havethechat (we will share it too!)
8. Unsure about any of the steps contact us at
The winning blogger will be announced March 1 during DonateLife Week 2013.
Our wonderful judging panel will review and judge each blog based on it’s creative, passionate and positive content that encourages all Australians to have a conversation about organ and tissue donation. Originality is a must, so dust out the writers block and get down and dirty with your keyboard – and if your blog is judged the best, you could win $250!
For more information about organ and tissue donation in Australia to help you with your blog visit
..... and guess what?
I'm totally chuffed to have been asked to be one of the judges for the blogging competition, along with Professional Writer Peta Murray.
Peta and myself both have little Q&A's where you can read more about what we'll be looking for in the judging.
If you're not a filmaker, or a blogger, then there's still a way you can get involved.
Creativity Can... is all about getting involved to make a change. Just take a snap and email it in - all the details are here.
If you've made it through all of that info - congratulations! Any questions, please ask away!
thanks Ms Curly for being our blog judge and sharing all the FilmLife creativity for DonateLIfe Week 2013. Can't wait to see what happens this year and thanks for your help!
FilmLife peep