
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

More Hearts for Mirabel

I've made some more hearts to send in for the 'We Heart Mirabel' appeal over at Meet Me at Mikes.

I have another couple of crafty hearty things that I would like to make, and then I'll be sending them all in together. Hopefully somebody will like them enough to part with their hard earned cash. It is for charity after all!
I need to make my luggage tags to add to the hearts thisafternoon and then they will be all ready to go. I also need to clean up all the mess I've made as I've migrated from the sewing room to the kitchen table.


  1. They are gorgeous!!!I had better get cracking with mine! I would buy one for sure!!

  2. and what a fine job youve done with them too! I certainly part with my hard earned cash for one of them.


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