
Sunday, January 27, 2008

This is.....what scares me

Continuing on with the meme from Three Buttons, this weeks theme is 'What Scares Me'.

What really really really scares me is spiders. They scare me so much that I can't bear to put a photo of a spider on my blog. It would freak me out to much every time I saw it.

So my answer for this week is PEAS. Yes I know it sounds weird but peas are really scary. If I had to look at peas and then tried to eat peas, I would vomit. Even the smell is gross.
I didn't have any peas in my house to take a photo, so I googled a picture instead.
Now it's time for a BBQ (pea free of course)!


  1. Well I'm braver than you!
    Luckily I think peas are cute, but Fresh, never frozen.
    I'm sure there is a medical term for "pea phobia"

  2. This is one I wasn't expecting. Peas... hmmm. I guess if I had that reaction, they'd scare me too!
    As for the spiders, come visit, I may have a little hopw for you. Don't worry, there are no pictures until WELL down the post. Come on... be brave.

  3. I shared a house with a friend who couldn't even look at a spider on the TV! Peas!!Never heard of that one!!

  4. Such friendly peas you put on your blog!!!xoxo

  5. I'm a bit the same with cooked spinach. My throat closes over & I can't swallow.

  6. Peas, that is an interesting one!

  7. Well I wouldnt say I am afraid of them but eating them "YUCK". I am soo with you on this one. They are gross.

  8. Give me beans anyday!
    Peas are just too fussy. How can you keep them on your fork?
    I'm with you. thanks for sharing

  9. ohhh i love're missing out sweetie! really!


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