
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Do....a deer, a female deer

I've just booked tickets so now I'm practising.

Re, a drop of golden sun...........


  1. You lucky thing... I'm sure it will be an amazing show!!!
    Thanks for the great soup recipe from the last post it sounds super yummy and the floor looks amazing!! Did you do the whole thing yourself?? ;)


  2. Yep, I agree you are a lucky!!

  3. I can't say how many times I've watched the sound of music movie!! (it would shock even the majority of fans!)

    Have heaps of fun for me! ;)

  4. How do you solve a problem like maria? how do you catch a cloud and pin it down?

    Writhing with jealousy here.

  5. Ahh, comfort show. I think I might go to bed & watch it on DVD. I also think I'd like to see the show. Might talk to the date.

  6. One of my all time favourites! I can feel a song coming on now!Enjoy!

  7. I am 16, going on 17.....
    You lucky thing. I would love to go.

  8. I went to this years ago! Someone was dressed as the curtain (that becomes the clothes), and someone as the woman who bows, and bows, and bows, at the concert! Envious! Have fun! (we'll stay home and make your soup - congratulations!!)

  9. Oh wow, I wish I could come along with you! I remember this being on near me a few years back but when I suggested going to Mr Big he had a look of horror on his face that me quietly shuffle off to a corner to sing away on my own.


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