
Sunday, March 2, 2008

This is...........Soup...........New Floors

This weeks theme suggested by the lovely Pip is........This is my inspiration board.

I don't actually have an inspiration board. I am inspired by way too many things (books, magazines, tv shows, other blogs, nature, landscapes, art, people, etc) and there are always ideas floating around in my head. So I decided to wander around the garden thismorning and take some photos to make a inspiring garden mosaic.

To see who else is playing along, head on over to Angela's blog!

Pip is also having a soup recipe challenge so here is my entry. I made this soup for dinner lastnight and there's plenty left to put some single portions in the freezer for lunches.

Roast Chicken and Whatever Vegies are in the Fridge Soup

1. Peel and prepare any vegies that you have. As a minimum, I usually use potato, pumpkin, onion, garlic, carrot, and celery (because I usually always have these in the fridge).

2. Choose any extra vegies that you have. I had a corn cob in the fridge lastnight so I added it.

3. Put all the vegies through the food processor using the grating attachment.

4. Put the grated vegies in a large stock pot (I actually use my electric wok).

5. Add chicken stock (I usually use 2 litres).

6. Simmer for a couple of hours.

7. Take all the meat from a roasted chicken (I buy one at my local Charcoal chicken shop for extra flavour). Chop up and add to the soup.

8. At this stage, you can also add Basmati Rice (for a more substantial meal).

9. Simmer for another 20-30 minutes (or until the rice is cooked).

Whoops....I forgot to add this step.....add salt and pepper (as little or as much as you like)!

10. Serve with toast or some nice crusty bread and butter.

And last but not least:

My kitchen floors are finally finished (which is why I was able to cook soup lastnight).

We still have no furniture in there until Monday but at least we don't have to eat takeaway food any more....yippee!

The before shot (bare boards where the old kitchen units used to be and where we took out a wall.

The after shot.......nice shiny floor!

Have a great Sunday.


  1. Lovely garden mosaic. That soup recipe is a must to try-looks delicious(roll on winter I say!) And your floor is wonderful-looks like a new house!

  2. Cam, the floors look great. You must be impressed. Thanks for the soup recipe. I must have missed the challenge on pips blog, so will go check it out. Also a big thankyou for sending through quilt pattern. Geez I cant believe how nice the blogging world is sometimes! Thanks again.

  3. Your gardeny inspiration is lovely & the floors look fabulous.

  4. I love the pictures you took the little white flowers are so pretty.
    Have a great day!

  5. Hey Cam! I love your inspiration board! It's exactly what an inspiration board should be like! And that soup sounds awesome and I must make some this week!

  6. swisho! the floors look ace!

    I love your garden mosaic :o)

  7. the soup looks really good! so does the kitchen!!

  8. Oh I envy the green thumb. Beautiful images for inspiration.

    I am a plant murderer. I seriously cannot garden at all.

    Thankyou for sharing and thankyou for the soup link.

  9. I've had this soup recipe on high rotation since I discovered it back in March. Used to it this week to welcome home some happy campers! very delicious, thanks!


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