
Sunday, March 23, 2008

This Demon!

Continuing on the lovely meme from Angela, todays fab theme is from Drewzel.
This was a difficult one because I try really really hard to be good but I just can't resist good coffee (not instant) and good chocolate. They're even better when they're combined.
I drink an average of 3 coffees every day (sometimes 4 or 5) but I try to never have any after about 3.00PM otherwise I end up in a caffeine stupor and can't sleep. I have something chocolate almost every day, could be actual chocolate, chocolate cake, choc chip biscuit, chocolate ice-cream (well you get the idea).
Happy Easter! Hope everyone enjoyed chocolate and coffee for breakfast (I did)!


  1. oooh yes, I am a chocolate for breakfast type as well. Last night I had some serious chocolate, then some for brekky and now some while I catch up on blog reading.

  2. Yes I had chocolate for breakfast too. Half a Lindt chocolate rabbit that the Easter bunny left for my hubbie. Funny every year she leaves him one, but nothing for me, so glad he likes to share.

  3. oh yum yes I'm a chocolate fan too and a diehard coffee fan but sadly not when pregnant but I can't wait till I'm done so I can get back into it!


  4. Mmmmmmm..... chocolate....

    That is my vice too.

  5. coffeeeeeee.... yep. it's there on my list too!

  6. Yep, chocolate is one of mine too...accounts for some of that extra fat I have hahaha! :P

    See, it wasn't that hard, was it?

  7. Yep...chocolate & coffee. I give in to the coffee but I NEVER buy chocolate. I've got NO self control.

  8. yep, I'm right there with you! I noticed a new chocolate shop on Chapel St the other day. Must check it out....

  9. Chocolate sure is wonderful to eat anytime anywhere!

  10. Hi hi I enjoyed your demon!!!love coffee and love reading about other people who do too!!!thanks for sharing!

  11. yes, chocolate + coffee = perfect down time...

  12. Oooooh, I love the smell of coffee and the taste of chocolate (dark).

  13. aahhh chocolate. the universal demon!

    i read in a recent medical journal that Melbourne University had completed a study that found that when depressed women turn to chocolate for its mild anti-depressant properties.

    Hello! did they really need a research grant to learn that!

    thanks for sharing.


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