
Monday, March 24, 2008

A Vintage Treasure

I went on a lovely day trip to Clunes on Saturday. While browsing the second-hand shops, I found this little treasure.

I've been looking for an old pram for a while now, ever since I saw this on Tara's blog.
This one is in fantastic condition. I'm going to use it for some retro photo shoots with my nephews.

My cat likes it too!


  1. Wow, it is an absolute ripper! Marvelous find my dear.

  2. What a great find. Clunes is not far away at all.

  3. That is a great find! I can't believe someone would give it up, but great for you.

    You've been tagged, btw:

  4. ....or you could give it to me! hehehehe

  5. What a great find! I have always wanted one of those! I too can't believe someone could part with it, a score for you that they did though!

  6. I LOVE Clunes :) There's pics on my Flickr that I took on Boxing Day when we were there, but alas, no shops open!

  7. oh my gosh can you imagine your sis' little twinnies in there looking all dolled up! soooooo cute! I can't believe you found that and I hope you got it for a good price...i think I need to head out of town soon!

    l-o-v-e fact I might have to come and do a photo shoot with it when my twinnies are here!


  8. Ooh yes. That pram is sensational. I've got an old brown one that I adore. Clunes is really beautiful.


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