
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Introducing...... new baby nephews, Noah and Zane.

Earlier in the day, they were wrapped in the matching blankies that I made, but one was already christened with baby vomit by the time we managed to snap a photo of them together...

Now I have six nephews.....a basketball team including a sub!


  1. congratulations Aunty Curly Pops. Boys are wonderful. My mum and dad have 8 grandsons and the 9th was a girl born just over a month ago! I am in heaven now - a niece to sew for!

  2. Yay! So cute!! Congratulations Aunty Cam! :o)

  3. Wonderful news. Big congratulations to your family & a very warm welcome to the boys.

  4. Congratulations on such handsome looking nephews! Good to see they are already making good use of your sweet blankets.

  5. Very, very cute and what's a blankie with vomit on it!

  6. Hooray!! How exciting! Good to know the blankies have been "christened" :P

  7. Very cute bubba's! Congrats Aunty Cam!!

  8. Congratulations, such lovely boys, Noah's little hand poking out looks so sweet.

  9. Cute little fellas.
    Way too many boys in my family too.

  10. Congratulations - such lovely handsome young men - you will have to set about designing a basketball uniform for them all :)

  11. How cute are they? And how cool that you have a basketball team in the making.

  12. Congratulations on becoming an aunty again. :) I only have 3 nephews, but I have 3 nieces so does that make us even?

  13. oh you lucky thing!!!! now you get the best of both worlds as you don't need to live with the twins you can go home but you get lots of aunty cuddles! they are sooooo cute


  14. Thanks for the flashback Cam. Kids sure do remind you how fast time flies. I hope the 2 year old birthday celebrations are lots of fun (and that Mum isn't too sad that her babies are growing up!)


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