
Monday, June 16, 2008

My first completed knitting project

I finally finished my knobbly scarf's my very first completed knitting project!
I've tried knitting a few times before but I've never actually finished anything, so I'm glad that I've finally made something wearable (and I'm keeping it for me).

I added tassels at both ends.....I had no idea how to do this properly so I just made it up and seemed to work ok.

My nine year old nephew was nice enough to model it for me lastnight. I think it looks exquisite with his kung fu pyjama outfit...don't you think!


  1. Looks great, well done. I like the neutral colour, will look good with anything!

  2. Woo hoo! The scarf looks fantastic - great yarn. It's knitted up beautifully. Well done :)

  3. Wow - looks totally amazing, very toasty and warm! I agree that the neutral coloured yarn will look fantastic with anything! Congratulations!

  4. Well done !! I've tried knitting, but it never works out. So I've switched to crochet instead.

    Hey, I see you got into the Mixtogether. So did I. YAY, so we'll get to meet in person. How exciting.

  5. What a beautiful scarf - looks very good around your nephew's neck.

  6. It looks so warm and cozy... mmm! Makes me think of snugging up in a cafe somewhere with a mug of coffee on a rainy day. Well done!

  7. You've done a great job of this. The tassles look very proffesh!

  8. lovely job wish I had the time!!! Model is a pro!!!

  9. looks great! and your tassles look great too - looks like you know what you're doing!

  10. well done! :D You'll be addicted to knitting in no time! ;)

  11. Hoorah for finished first knits!!!

    So what's the next project?!

    (Mine next knitted thing after graduating from straight scarves was the hothead beanie from Stitch n Bitch. Simple, quick and not straight edges so good for learning a new skill.)

  12. The scarf is fabulous Cam & yes the Kung Fu sets it off beautifully.

  13. Woo Hoo!! May it be the first of many knitted projects!

  14. The scarf is great! I love the wool and the knobbly bits! Well done.

  15. Congrats Cam. It looks great! (Even on your nephew!) Love your creating space too!

  16. Yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy! I love it!! Especially how long it is - looks very cosy.

  17. Well done Cam. Can't wait to see what comes next.

  18. I wants me a kung fu pj outfit!
    Scarf is fab, and big bonus points for finishing it (i'm the queen of UFO knitting)

  19. You did a fantastic job. Your scarf looks gorgeous. Hope everything works out with your tooth too.

  20. Ahh you're a newbie knitter like me! Your scarf looks great too :)


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