
Sunday, June 15, 2008

This is......the space in which I create

I missed last weeks This is and I haven't had time to catch up so I'm just going to skip it (sorry) and move on to this week.

The twins are going to be kept in hospital for another week until they can feed by themselves (they're still being tube fed intermittently), so I have my other nephews as house guests for another week. Mr CurlyPops has just taken them to the park to play footy so I can do some washing and put a nice roast topside beef in the oven for tea.

I have a new found appreciation for all the crafty chicks out there who can look after the kids, the household, work, and make crafty things as well...... I'm struggling to keep the house clean, and keep the washing under control (I've only tackled the kids washing, I haven't even looked at ours). The crafting has gone way out the window.

Just keep that in mind when you look at the photos that I'm going to post......

This is where all my crafty projects begin.....on my kitchen bench. At the moment, the cutting mat is completely covered in stuff but I've finally cut my piece of fabric that I bought from Anna Laura and I'm in the process of stapling it over a canvas to make a wall hanging.

Once things are ready to be sewn, they move along the production line to the sewing nook that is in the spare room.....this week the spare room is being used by the kids so the bunks and the port-a-cot are full!

My mum was getting rid of this cupboard last week when she was having a clean out, so I put my hand up and Mr CurlyPops bought it home for me. I'm going to use it to store my fabric stash.

At the moment, I just shoved everything in and put a child lock on it so it doesn't all end up being pulled out and strewn all over the floor. My intention is to go back and sort it out properly one of these days (notice I used the word intention - it will probably never get done).

So that's it, back to the washing for me....have a happy Sunday!

Whoop! I forgot to add.....for more of this is, go and check out Angela's blog and thanks to Quilting Mick for this weeks theme...yah!


  1. Hello Curly Pops, I love your space! That blue cupboard is just what I need!

  2. I'm with you - I have absolutely NO IDEA how people with kids get anything creative done at all. I have enough trouble and I don't even have kids!
    Love the new cupboard - you can never have enough good storage!

  3. That's a great place for the fabric stash, which I must say is quite impressive.

    I hope you find a little time for crafting in your busy week.

  4. Great score on the cupboard- handy place to store your fabric... or mess! ;o) (I often use mine for this!!) Sounds like you've got a good production line style going. :o)

    Have fun with the boys this week... welcome to my world!! :P hehe

  5. I absolutely love your sewing nook! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Your new cupboard is perfect for the stash. Mine is in exactly the same sort of cupboard.

  7. Well I hope you all enjoyed the roast for tea!

  8. I hope the twins are OK!

    I love that blue cupboard, I'd love to have something like that for my fabric.

    I hope you get to find some crafting time soon.

  9. I like how your things move from one spot to the next! Great cupboard-you can fit lots in there.

  10. With my growing stash of fabric, I reckon I'm needing a cupboard like that! And your kitchen table looks like mine, lots of things everywhere!

  11. Yes - I wonder how any of us with kids get anything done, too.... When people ask me what I've been doing lately, I mostly just say "laundry".

  12. what a great aunty you are! from a mumma who has had bubs in special care, helpers are invaluable! your creative space looks ace!

  13. I know exactly what you mean about those crafty mums. I have trouble remembering to bath and eat as it is, let alone care for kids, keep a house in order and get crafty!!!! Incredible.

    I love that your crafts have a procession through the house throughout the various stages of their conception. (great cupboard too!)

  14. I think that lock is to keep the short ones from doing lots of sewing for their etsy shops!

    Life with does take energy, usually more than we think we have. ;-)


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