
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Great Pants Challenge!

OK the poll is now closed and the result is .......................... triumph yah!

After not having enough corduroy fabric for the pants, I went searching through the stash to see what else I could find........and ended up with this camo print cotton drill. I made the pants according to the pattern which was a Size 2. I had to read the instructions about fifty times to see what to do next because I've never used a clothing pattern in my life....I usually just make it up as I go along. I'm actually quite amazed at how well they turned out (although I didn't like the 5/8 inch seam allowance...I think that's too much).

Here's Moo Moo trying them on.....they're way too big because he's only 17 months old!

I really liked the design of the pants so I decided to make a smaller version. I wasn't sure how to do this properly so I just made it up. I had some patternmaking paper in my cupboard that Corrie gave me, so I traced the original pattern onto the new paper but I used the seam allowance line as the cut out line and then made the torso section and the leg length shorter.

I had some denim in the stash so I used that to make this smaller pair. I added the star for a bit of extra bling....I wanted to put the star on one of the bum cheeks but Mr CurlyPops said that it would look silly, so then I suggested the knee but with Moo Moo's clumsiness, he'd wear away the felt, so it ended up on the front. Note to self - embellish before sewing pants together to make life easier! I encountered a problem with these ones because I didn't fold under the bottom seams twice....

So of course, they frayed in the wash!

The only quick solution I could find was to pop down to Spotlight and grab some iron on hemming tape.

......and here's Moo Moo modelling for the finale of The Great Pants Challenge!


  1. Wow - you did it! Both pairs look fantastic.

    Now you can blow a big raspberry to those doubters who pressed the Tragedy button on the poll. :P

    The star applique is great. And what about that bit of pattern grading to size the pants down? Nice one!

  2. Silly me, I thought we had to wait to see them before we voted ...I would have voted triumph for sure - I love the star!

  3. yay! they look ace!! well done! :o) (you know, light interfacing is great for making patterns too- it's great because it sticks to the material a bit when you cut, so you don't need to pin- always a bonus! ;o) )

  4. I love the trousers with a star on. what a cool idea, wish I could get away with stars on my trousers.

  5. Well done they pants look great

  6. Fantastic! Both are totally ace!

  7. I love the pants! dad thinks they are a bit 70's what would he know!
    Love MOO MOO xx

  8. They look fantastic! I tried making boxer shorts once in middle school as part of one of our more creative classes and either my butt was too big or the pattern didn't take into consideration room for the butt. I like to think it was the latter ;)

  9. Moo Moo, I didn't know you could spell and type on the computer....wait 'til Daddy sees the next 70's pair!
    Love Aunty CurlyPops

  10. Oh my lordy, you have done such a fantastic job!! Well done and I absolutely adore the star pants. They're so bright and happy and funky! I'm very impressed with the pattern adapting too. Congrats on taking the plunge into clothes making.

  11. Great job. I especially like the pants with the star. Well done for making it up as you go along. Brave move.

  12. well done.. the pants are great

  13. These pants turned out awesomely! I love making pants like these - they're my favourite clothing item to make. Pants are quick and functional and you can get quite creative with them. The star is a great touch.

  14. Lucky Moo Moo, they look great! I'm going through a bit of a pants thing with my little boy - but I start out using a pattern, and end up modifying them as I go!

  15. They are both fantastic!!! Congratulations on your soaring triumph. Once you get going with pants, they're actually quite fun to make. And quick!!! Now there'll be no stopping you :)

  16. Both pairs look just fantastic. You don't give yourself enough credit! This was indeed a triumph.

  17. You did a GREAT job!!! Who said tragedy?? Are they looking at the same pics I am??

    You know what I think you should have done?? Flipped the hem the OTHER way, stitched the same way, and made the fray part of the design...would have looked COOL, imnsho!!!! :P

  18. Whohooo!! Go you, I knew you could do it!!
    And who voted for tragedy anyway, bah to them!

  19. Both pants are fantastic. Little Moo Moo is lucky to have you whipping up these pants. They are awesome!

  20. I voted for triumph but it seems I should have voted twice! You have done a great job with both pants.


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