
Thursday, July 17, 2008


I spent the day whipping up the prizes for my giveaway earlier this week..... and then called in quality control to the CurlyPops sewing department to inspect my shoddy work....

Note to self: it's much easier to make prizes and then have a giveaway!

This particular prize has been rejected and I'm going to keep it for sewing machine really really doesn't like sewing through the thick layers. The stitching on the binding is absolutely terrible and I managed to break two needles......

I'm down to my last sewing machine needle, so I'd better pop down to the shops tomorrow ( I wouldn't want to have a sewing emergency at 10 o'clock tomorrow night and have no needles)!

Here's a sneaky peek of the actual prizes that have been wrapped up and will be in tomorrows mail to my two lovely winners, Sherrin and Jess!


  1. Oh dear! Have you tried using a Jeans needle? That's what I use for quilting all the time, and also the sunnyboy bags. Good for the extra layers.

  2. Yep...I need a jeans needle too. I hate it when things don't work out the way you want them to.

  3. Jeans needle sounds like a good idea- it's something I think I need to invest in too. I'm loving the fabrics you've chosen. :o)

  4. Yours and Mr Curlypops standards are evidently higher than mine - to my naked eye I could not see anything wrong with it. It looks very cool!
    What is a jeans needle? Is it like a denim needle?
    Finally - LOVE the new look of the blog.

  5. If not a jeans needle what about using a walking foot for getting through all the layers.

  6. I think you might have loaded up the wrong photo...I don't see anything wrong with that little potholder, except that it's not coming to me.

    I like the new banner. It's very cute.

  7. Lots of goodies.. looking forward to seeing the completed creations. Love the fabrics.

  8. Oooh! Exciting sneaky peeks! Miss 2 has pointed to a picture and said dotties. She is excited, me too! You standards are however way too high! That first item looked great. I have a lot of denim needles for my ambitiously layered sewing... they still break though!

  9. Oooh, a new header! How cute!!!

  10. I have just inherited my first sewing machine!!! Looking forward to trying out some cool things like you have here!

  11. I can't see dodgey stitching, either... and I also love the new banner. Nothing new to say.

  12. It's no reject, I like it! Where's the dodgy stiching?


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