
Monday, September 29, 2008

Enough already...

The house has been primped and preened. I've decluttered as much as I possibly can while still trying to live a normal life....and I've really had enough!

I love my kitchen. I designed it so that it was absolutely perfect just for has a cooking zone, a baking zone, a tea & coffee zone, and a washing zone. Everything under bench height is a pull out drawer so that there's no bending to get into the back of any cupboards.

There's a whole pantry dedicated just to crockery, and two pantry cupboards for food. There's even a broom cupboard at the end to store the vacuum cleaner and broom so I don't have to go all the way to the laundry, and a separate cupboard for the rubbish bin too.

I'm really going to miss my kitchen when I leave.....

This is a sure sign that there's something up at CurlyPops HQ....I actually ironed the tablecloth! Anybody who knows me in real life knows that I don't iron anything...with the only exception being sewing projects.

Nobody is allowed to have a piece of cake until the real estate photos have been taken tomorrow morning.

You may also notice that the craft book nook has been moved to the kitchen. The little bookcase is the perfect size to hide a bit of dodgy plasterwork (ssshhhhh, don't tell anyone).

My mum bought over some more orchids to pretty up the place, and I bought some nice fresh fruit today too. Somebody better buy this house really soon because I just can't keep this up!


  1. WOW! I love your kitchen its stunning!

    Im pea green with envy!

  2. If your estate agent photographs the house half as nicely as this, then I'm sure you're going to have lots of interest. Good luck xxx

  3. Damn, I think that's MY dream kitchen!!!! All you need now is your very own Cappuccino Tray Monster. I too am allergic to ironing! :-)

  4. Your kitchen is AMAZING. I love it. I'd miss it too!

    I laughed about the table cloth. The only thing I iron since I quit work is fabric! Oh, and the table cloth for the in-laws' visit ...

    Good luck tomorrow!

  5. Fantastic! Looks gorgeous. I hope you sell quickly too - there's nothing worse than having to primp the house endlessly.

  6. Yours looks much better than mine.
    3 rooms to go.
    I hope yours sells soon.

  7. I want your kitchen! Hope you are moving somewhere just as nice.


  8. that is a gorgeous kitchen! good luck selling the house :)

  9. I can verify that Curly Pops does not iron.. She always even taught me many years ago not to buy clothes that need ironing so I dont! I do believe you were just teasing me about ironing a table cloth?? Dad stayed for tea sunday night so when he sat down I took the tablecloth off and folded it neatly and then put it back on after they left..He looked at me funny so I told him I didnt want to wash and iron it again...
    The kitchen looks fabulous and the tablecloth adds abit more class than a bare table...
    I love your kitchen too, but the next one will be even better!!!! Good Luck tomorrow, Im going back to the very cold shed for more project work!!!

  10. Wow! What a kitchen. I hope you get to design another amazing one again soon. The house looks very lovely.

  11. Lovely kitchen! Fingers crossed fro a quick sale :-)

  12. Gorgeous, just gorgeous! I looove your kitchen. Drawer pull outs, specific function zones, a whole pantry for crockery...and more! Gee, I would be sad to leave are going to have so much interest though. This is a dream kitchen!

  13. It all looks wonderful! I'm sure it will all photograph wonderfully well. We spent the first 6 months of this year selling our home so I can really relate with how you're feeling - especially with having to keep the house clean all the time for inspections - just keep telling yourself that it will all be worth it in the end! Because it will!

  14. *snork* I am dying here...the owner of my place is gearing up to sell, and I am PETRIFIED she will do it while we are still in here, cause I just CAN'T keep that level up!! :wah: I mean, I'm another one who owns an iron SOLELY for sewing!

  15. That's my dream kitchen - hope you sell fast and find yourself an even better one!

  16. Good luck all your hard work looks like it is paying off. You deserve some cake as soon as those photos are done.

  17. it all looks fab, you've certainly done a great job.
    i'm sure your new kitchen will be lovely too, you'll add all your touches and flair to it, so it cannot fail.
    good luck with the house selling. i know how stressful it can be. just keep looking forward.
    x, k.

  18. I hope your house sells quickly and you can look forward to an even better kitchen-you will make it just right!

  19. What a gorgeous kitchen. I love the idea that you designed it specific to your needs.
    I can see why you would hate to leave it.

  20. Well it looks gorgeous! I'm sure someone will fall in love with it in no time. Best of luck!

  21. oh it all looks lovely! I love when you have the professional photos done and you say wow I never realised how great my house was. good luck and wishing you didn't have to go


  22. Beautiful. Just gorgeous. I'm salivating over your kitchen. Wow.


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