
Monday, September 29, 2008

Linky Links

Just in case you missed it, go and check out Pip and Aunty Pat in The Age!

Also I found a couple of new blogs in the last couple of weeks (well, they're probably not new, but new to me...get it)!

The names are fabulous...
and my little sister has started a blog - you can find it here!


  1. thanks for the links, and including me too!
    i'm off to have a squizz (as soon as i put the weekly shopping away..)
    have a lovely week!

  2. Wonderful article and wonderful links! Thanks for sharing.

    I'd just discovered Theessess yesterday. Love it - especially that 60s dressing table your sister has!

  3. You are moving Curly Pops! Take great care to de-clutter before you move - take it from one who knows! Thanks for your comment, it is a nice place but man, I have way too much stuff.

  4. Thanks for the links and the article, I'm in Sydney, so I had missed the article!

    I've saved the links, and will have a proper squizz tonight!

  5. Hey thanks for your little linketty link - how lovely are you??? Hope your packing is going well!

  6. hello!

    Thanks for linking to my blog, ive admired yours for a while now

    off to read your sisters now....

  7. Thanks for the linky link goodness:)

  8. thanks for that Age link, of course missed are going to miss that kitchen


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