
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hoppo Bumpo Mail

A couple of weeks ago I commented on the magazines that Liesl had posted on her blog. I absolutely adore magazines, so I purposely stay well away from any newsagency so that I'm not tempted to buy 10 every time I walk in the door.
I'd never even heard of these ones (yes, I just may be living under a rock), so Liesl so generously offered to send me a few so that I could check them out.

....and look what else was in the package....

Some gorgeous corduroy fabric (my favourite), some absolutely divine chocolate (I'm not's all mine) and a sweet little card. All just to cheer me up!

Thankyou so much Liesl, it's just what I needed today....

Now I'm off to sit on the couch, read a lovely magazine, have a cup of tea....and eat some choccy...yum!


  1. Ha! I'm obsessed with Green & Black's organic chocolate. I believe it has miraculous qualities. The milk chocolate can honestly cure anything... and sometimes it's the ONLY cure. When I was in London earlier this year we spied a big jar of Black and Green organic HOT chocolate powder! We lugged that heavy tub through 3 countries and went through customs with it :)

  2. Yay and yum! What is your address by the way???

  3. Hello dear, hope you're feeling a little better. I agree that Green and Black's is a miracle cure, as are kind words and unexpected presents. You deserve them all (yes, I'm sure you do!) so chill out, enjoy, and if you see some of the hot chocolate mix mentioned above, nab that jar! (Queen Vic Market has it, as does South Melbourne, ask at the organic shops as it's not always in stock). Bev

  4. YEAAH I am so glad to hear that chocolate and tea is back on!! And what a lovely afternoon date those magazines will make. Enjoy!

  5. My favourite chocolate and great magazines too! I hope these goodies brighten your day a little.

    And just to remind you how much your little blog is loved I have nominated you for an aard. Check out my blog for details. No need to particiapte if you dont want to or are not up to it, I just want you to know how much I love curlypops!

  6. Oh she's good that Hoppo Bumpo!

    That Maya Gold choc is my total and absolute FAVOURITE!

  7. Green&Black's makes hot chocolate?! I need to find it lol

  8. How very kind and lovely!!!! There's nothing like tea, chocolate and a good magazine to lift the spirits :)

  9. I reckon Green & Blacks is the answer to everything!


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