
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No Title

I'm still a little lost....trying to find my way back to my normal life....
At least the nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach has subsided.
One week over.


  1. Hey Cam. I have no idea what's going on, but that doesn't matter because you are sad (and that does matter).

    I'm thinking of you, always.

    xx Michelle

  2. Thinking of you and hope you find your way back soon


  3. take care woman...thinking of you...hope this next week is better.


  4. hoping this comment leaves you if not happy and smiley then knowing that we are wishing you good thoughts.

  5. Wishing you well, and hope things get easier super soon x

  6. I Cam, not sure what is happening but I hope you are doing well. Just take it one day at a time. I hope things return to normal soon.

  7. Thinking of you and hoping that each day sees things getting a little easier and better. Take care. xxx

  8. Wishing yo get to feeling much better. Not knowing what is wrong with you makes me sad. Hope it's nothing serious. I'll make a prayer for you tonight so tomorrow you'll wake up all better. Blessings...xx

  9. Hey Cam - you are doing really well. Take care dear lady. x

  10. Keep on being gentle to yourself Cam, a week at a time.

  11. Hey Cam, sending you heaps of energy and hugs. Take Care, Michelle

  12. I have no idea what's up, but take all the time you need. :)

  13. Hey Cam,
    You're very much in my thoughts. Hope you're feeling brighter real soon, lots of love, xxx

  14. That bloom is beautiful. And very pink! :-) I hope it brings you some peace of mind to you. Thinking of you.

  15. Hope you find you way back soon...

    Thinking of you Cam :-)

  16. If the nauseous feeling has subsided then does that mean it is time for tea and chocolate yet? :-)

    Thinking of you.

  17. so sorry to see you feeling this way...take care, xo K.

  18. Wow - check out all these beautiful comments... you are one well-loved chic Cam, don't forget that. Lots of healing vibes coming your way from around the globe, including me.

    Keep doing what you're doing mate - looking for the beautiful natural things around you, they can only help. *hug*

  19. I do hope all is well with you very soon Cam! sending you hugs :)

  20. I keep checking to see how you are doing here on your post.
    Take it one hour at a time Cam. You have so many people sending you good vibes. Hopefully that helps whatever you are facing.
    And you will get back to your life, even if it's not the same as before, it will still be worth it.

  21. Awww.. sweetie, I only just read your "broken" post today. I hope you're all back together again soon! Loves of cyber hugs too you!

  22. Thinking of you Cam and spreading the CurlyPops Rocks love.

  23. xx big love. Remember to call me if you need anything anytime.

  24. There are so many of us who would love to come over with our threads and our glue guns and our gizmos and gadgets to fix whatever is broken.....but if it is something you need to do on your own , do it knowing that lots of people are thinking of you and wishing you out the other side of the yucky bits.

  25. Allo there lady, sorry things are not quite right, hugs to you from our family. xox

  26. Sending hugs your way-take care of yourself

  27. You're here, you're alive, and therefore there is hope for...a different future? a changed life? no matter. If you have life, you have can have hope.

    And you are loved.

  28. Oh Cam, I'm glad the nausea at least has passed. It means you are moving forward, and that is a good thing. Remember you have lots of support here, and lots of people who are thinking of you. Take care XX

  29. Hi Cam
    I hope things are on the improve for you.
    My thoughts (and obviously those of lots of other bloggy friends) are with you.

  30. I just read your posts today (I'm a bit behind!) I missed your comments over in Keep Calm and Carry on land so I had to come on over for a visit.... Hope you are OK...
    Take care.


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