
Friday, September 12, 2008

Love Friday

It's another beautiful sunny day for Love Fridays.
Look what arrived in the mail!

My Aunty sent me her collection of buttons that she's been collecting for the last 40 years.....

Now that's a great reason to Love Friday!

Head on over to Big Cat's Emporium, say hi to Cathy, and play along....


  1. Where do I find an Aunty like that!!!

  2. Oooh - there's nothing better than a big box of buttons! I'm going to have a look through my mum's button collection soon. It includes vintage buttons from my grandma's old collection, so I can't wait.

  3. Oohh I'll bet you have fun looking through all those little beauties. A girl can never have too many buttons hehehe.

  4. wow, that looks like such a gorgeous collection! what a great day!

  5. Whoar! Look at the colours and those lovely shapes. I'm sure they'll have you off and running on new projects in no time...

  6. Such lovely buttony goodness. Lucky you!
    I found a great button flickr group that you might like looking at:

  7. I'm drooling heavily looking at those buttons. What is it with buttons? What makes them so fabulously enticing?

  8. Holey moley... what a haul!

    I inherited my grandmother's buttons when I was about 18 (yikes... how long ago was THAT??) and still have treasures from that. I spent hours and hours sorting through an old Nescafe jar full of them - it was HEAVEN!

  9. Oh my - how lucky are you!! What a great Aunt - there's going to be some beauties in that box!

  10. ooo you lucky duck!!Great box of buttony goodness!

  11. Well that deserves a big hug! What a great Friday!


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