
Thursday, September 11, 2008


I've been super busy this week making some custom orders outside of The CurlyPops Shop. This selection of bibs is heading off to a new home tonight along with some flannel wrap blankies.
Todays mission is to sew my little touchie off..... in between cups of tea and chocolate breaks anyway!


  1. Goodness me - you've turned yourself into the CurlyPops sweat shop!! Those bibs and blankies are gorgeous.

    Happy sewing!

  2. what a worker bee you have been!! enjoy the chocolate break for trying to lose 20kg!!!

  3. Wow you have been sewing your toshie off, that is great. You will need a tea and chocolate drip soon so you can keep going.

  4. They're adorable! Makes me a bit clucky, all these cute little things...

  5. Look at all that loveliness. It reminds me that I wanted to talk to you about some custom orders of bibs and blankets. I have 2 friends that have just had babies last week and I am feeling just a little bit lazy at the moment and not motivated to sew baby things. Besides you do such a beautiful job.

    Can you email me your prices for newborn stuff in between sewing, cups of tea and chocolate. Thanks

  6. Oh, I tried to buy a bib this morning (for a gift!) from the shop, but when I chose paypal to pay, it kind of went to the main screen - so if you have an odd half-completed order, that's mine... and I need to get $11 to you!

  7. WOW - are you selling to a shop? So many bibs!!! Lovely job C.

  8. Oh my goodness Cam you have been a busy bee! You will have babies breaking down your door for some bib-goodness soon.

  9. I am having my 10 minute spare am joining u in a cup of tea and just a little bit of choccy

  10. Congratulations on getting your shop up and running! Hope you have found 10 mins for yourself today!

  11. Yep - busy people get the most done. Great effort Cam.

  12. Astounded. Impressed. Loving those hedgehogs!

  13. Oh wow, I love your blog! I stumbled across it via my friend Kyla's blog (Two peas in a pod), and I also take part in the "This is" postings. I've added you to a list of favorites on my blog, and look forward to visiting you often!!! Nice to meet you!

  14. Whoa! You sure know how to get stuff done!! Gorgeous!

  15. Oh my goodness! I have sewed NOTHING in the last two weeks (sick kids, then sick me, then sick husband....yuck!). And you've sewed enough to stock an entire warehouse!!!! I'm so impressed. It all looks fantastic :)


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