
Thursday, October 23, 2008

A happy sunshiney day...

I have this song on the brain today.....he he he

I've been sewing bags in the sunshine thismorning but I needed a break so I headed down to my favourite art supplies shop to pick up some supplies for the Big Cat Paper bonanza

I picked up a couple of little canvasses for some collages, lots of lino so that everyone can have a go at lino printing, some lino cutters and a rubber roller.

I couldn't resist stopping off at my favourite bakery on the way home to pick up this delicious vanilla slice that I'm eating while I'm typing this...yum!

I hope everyone else is having a happy sunshiney day too!

PS - I've added at least 4 new giveaways today...make sure to check them out!


  1. Yay! snot block snot block!
    I added a giveway to my blog today too :D

  2. mmm... vanilla slice.... mmm... I'm sure I had something else to say in this comment, but completely forgot what it was when I saw that vanilla slice...

  3. not long ago i bought some lino supplies to have a go....lets just say i wont be quiting my day job...

  4. Good golly could you send a little sunshine our way? I'ts a bit frigid here in Sydney. I've turned the heater back on!

    Everybody's smiling... =)

  5. A nice sunshiny day here. A quiet drive in the country, lovely lunch and a little bit of weeding filled the day nicely.

  6. Oo, oo - I went and bought the same lino blocks, and a roller last week.

    But they din;t have scrumptious-looking vanilla slices out MY way!


  7. There was a time I wanted hair like Marsha. About that same time I could eat vanilla slices everyday if I wanted to. Those days are over.
    Great to see the crafty supplies! My favorite craft suppler is Zart Art in BoxHill.

  8. The Brady Bunch - gold! Thanks Cam.

  9. I'm in with Drewzel.. Go the snot block !!

  10. By the way, I got my copy of the LOLcat book from
    Much goodness!

  11. Very apt song for today and yay for the vanilla slice-you can't go past one of those for some sweetie goodness! Like your supplies-how exciting!

  12. Mmmm....your cake and coffee look so deliciously comforting! Especially with the light of the sun reflecting off. :-) Glad you had a fabulous morning!!

  13. It's a sunshine day... :) At least it is here in Auckland this morning!!

  14. I'm not sure if I was more excited by the blast-from-the-past Brady Bunch clip or the picture of the vanilla slice (yum)!

    The paper bonanza sounds like a heap of fun. Hope you have a very crafty weekend.

  15. That clip has made me happy, after a non-sunshiney day.....Warm weather, but bad mood! I've seen Barry Williams (Greg) on the Wiggles, he is much better back then! And Bobby's part...GOLD! Thank you!

  16. i am getting a sun-shining vanilla slice tomorrow.
    if i get fat it is your fault.


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