
Friday, October 24, 2008

Love Fridays...

What's not to love about Love Fridays today?
It's going to be a lovely sunny 25 degrees, I've made banana cupcakes for tomorrows big day out, and now I'm off to have to my hair cut and coloured......say goodbye to those pesky greys!


  1. Hope you come back looking fabulous! and we don't call them greys they are natural highlights.

  2. MMmm yummo, love banana cupcakes.
    Have fun at the hairdressers.

  3. It does sound like a great day! Have fun at the hair dressers!

  4. yay for cupcakes! I had my hair coloured yesterday and the hairdresser was so diplomatic! she said "because you are going so light.....etc etc" I thought, now that's a nicer way of saying "going so grey"!!!!
    love love love my new bag!!

  5. Yummm-ee! We love banana cakes, mmmm. Hope you feel salon-gorgeous!

  6. yum! Have a nice afternoon at the salon.


  7. it is 10 pm on thursday here in minnesota, usa - and i'm reading what you are already loving about your friday . . . i love the internet. *smile*

  8. That sounds like a fabulous day. See you tomorrow. I can't wait.

  9. banana yum,they look great...
    i actually went to the hairdressers today and said" i only have time for a cut" 1 1/2 hours later i got out...luckerly i wasn't in too big of a rush...

  10. Hope your haircut was a good one! I still have to put the colour through my hair to get rid of those pesky greys. Oh to go grey all of a sudden, so I didn't have to bother!


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