
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sharing the stash with Mike - a finale!

It's been so much fun this week to share my stash and to have a peek at lots and lots of other stashes....I've been green with envy checking out all the other blogs!

These two pieces were gifted to me from Stacey, just because she saw them in the fabric shop and she thought that I would love them (and she was absolutely correct). It's things like this that warm the cockles of my heart......simple generousity and thinking of's a truly wonderful thing.

Thankyou to Pip for hosting such a magical week!


  1. Yeeee-hawww. These are really fun prints. I've enjoyed seeing the CurlyPops stash this week!

  2. Your complete stash is just awesome. I just had a peek at it all. Wow! These cowboys are hilarious!!!

  3. Now we just need a neigh neigh so you can make some neigh neigh pants??


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