
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sharing the stash with Mike....I forget which day

Today I'm confused..... it's hard to remember what on earth I'm doing. OK I know it's Saturday and so I think this is 'Sharing the Stash Day 5' and 'Blogtoberfest Day 4'.

These ones are more fabrics for me....the fat quarters above, I bought at Amitie when I was at the last Mixtogether. They're destined to be a quilt top for the couch (one day when I finally get around to it). I'm thinking that I might just make a patchy top and then just use polar fleece for the bottom layer and some bias binding to attach it all together.

This one is a beautiful fabric that Ingrid sent me as part of her Pay It Forward challenge. I absolutely love it and I think that I might have to make myself something kitcheny to take advantage of the lovely print. I'm thinking maybe a table runner for a tea party.

Anyhoo..gotta be quick today....3 prospective buyers booked for today and 1 for tomorrow so far...eeeeek, have to do a clean check!


  1. Gorgeous gorgeous fabrics, especially that last one! Good luck with the house viewings.

  2. oh what a gorgeous lot of fabrics you have!! ALL of them

  3. 3 prospective buyers!!! goodluck am sure the house will be spotless...

  4. Hoping the inspections went well.

  5. Love the orange fabrics - they will make a grat couch throw. The polar fleece backing sounds very cosy!! Good luck with the house inspections.

  6. You made me laugh trying to work out what day it is. On top of that you've got to change your clocks too.

    Hope the inspections are going well.

  7. Loving that gorgeous fabric - lovely orange colours. And good luck with the house inspections, 3 prospective buyers already is great!

  8. I love your fabrics, i stilll get so excited when I brind home new fabric I just love looking at it. Hope your house inspections go well.

  9. Those orange FQs are lovely. In fact I have some of the very same dotty ones; perhaps even bought at the same place, on the same day (sale day?).

    Hope the inspections went really well!

  10. You have such lovely fabrics in your stash! I love the orange selection in the top row.


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