
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thrifted the forgotten Op Shop

You may remember Big Cat and CurlyPop's excellent op-shopping adventures from last Wednesday.......

Wednesday night, after Cathy and Betsy had made their way back home, I realised that I had forgotten about one of the local op-shops. It's tucked away in a really strange little street near the back of the train station.
On my shopping travels yesterday, I decided to pop in for a visit. I found this cool old apron for $2.50....
....and a nice vintage floral sheet for $4.50. I also picked up a couple of toys for my nephews and a couple of nice summer tops for me. What fun!


  1. You gals always find great stuff on your op shop adventures, it makes me green!!!!
    oh yeah, thanks for your comments and keep away from those iguanas! he he he, have a happy day x

  2. Great finds! I love the apron.
    I think lately I have been showing my true colours as a 1970s baby as I keep oohhhing and ahhing over browns and oranges!

  3. Great treasures there Cam. I really think I need a Melbourne op shop tour!

  4. Score!
    And I meant to say earlier ENORMOUS BIG THANK YOU for kewl chicken fabric bits that Cathy passed on to me! Love! YAY!

  5. great finds! love them both! I picked up 2 sheets yesterday but am a bit slack with photo taking at the moment, love that apron

  6. i just popped into the op shop myself today...will be posting about it latter on tonight...

  7. hehehe, convenient that you waited till AFTER the other had gone home ;D

    I'd be getting sick of watching the others nab my bargains too ;) hehehehe

    GREAT apron!

  8. I've got a tablecloth in the same fabric as the apron - isn't it wonderful!

  9. I love to find a bargain! Had coffee with a friend at the coast last week, and we called in to her local oppy (as you do). Found a beautiful pair of mid-length italian leather boots for $20, nice. Got home decided to google the brand, turned out to be a London company and priced at 250 pounds - I just about fell over - I love a bargain!

  10. You certainly have a good eye and find some amazing "stuff"-sounds like you have lots of great oppys near you.

  11. The op-shop Gods are certainly smiling on you : )


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