
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Kootoyoo ScheDUEL

You may remember Kirsty's first round of scheDUEL, where the aim of the game was to pick the blog author that Kirsty was thinking of when she made this fantastically gorgeous pendant.

Well lucky me....would you believe that I am now the very proud owner of it! Yippee!

It matched perfectly with the jacket that I was wearing lastnight.... and it matches perfectly with the pink top I'm wearing today too.

I also picked up some gorgeous vintage fabrics that Kirsty was cleaning out. I'm thinking the gorgeous tablecloth at the bottom will become a lovely apron for me.

Thanks so much Kirsty!


  1. Lucky you Cam! It looks fantastic. PS you've been tagged! Check my blog for details. j

  2. You're sweet Cam & that pile of fabric looks really gorgeous. This is where I'd normally leave a comment saying..."Oooh I really like that tablecloth".

    Can't wait to see your finished something.

  3. It looks great on you! I'm also impressed with that fabric stash. Why on earth would someone clean that out? =)

  4. What a cute little trinket! And that fabric is lovely!

  5. I love it, especially because its 2 of my favourite colors together. Grats!

  6. I noticed the pendant yesterday and thought to myself is matched so well with what you were wearing! But firstly I was thinking is she wearing a bobbin around her neck? And yes you were but it totally works! And it suits you so well!


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