
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Photo Tag

Jess from Button Beauty has challenged me to a game of photo tag.

The rules are:

Go to your sixth picture folder in your picture file on your computer
Pick your sixth picture
Try to remember the details
Post it on your blog

This blurry pic is a scarf that I knitted for myself. This would have been somewhere amongst a few knitting lessons via Brown Owls.

This actually turned out to be a great scarf because the yarn hid any mistakes and the colour matches with anything.

Thanks Jess.... I'm going to tag Sel (she's a bit lost for blog fodder at the moment).


  1. Heh..I had to go look in my folders to see what horror I would have been stuck with, and I was pleasantly surprised, lol. Then I went to the other one, the non-primary one (yeah, I have way too many pictures, and zero organization), and would have made NO sense. :lol:

    Nice scarf! I'm trying to learn how to knit a bit better, too, cause at this point, a scarf is all I can manage, too. :p

  2. I'll comment here on my sixth photo of my sixth folder.
    It's of my daughter and I one minute after her birth!! Not very flattering and definitely not craft related!!!! LMAO Waaaay too much skin for my blog...

  3. what a great scarf...loks very versatile (I love any shade of grey)


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