
Friday, November 7, 2008

Mikes Week of Happy - Day 3

Thank goodness I read this very wise tip and invested in some long tweezers......
I fixed the overlocker....... and that definitely makes me happy!


  1. oh happy day!

    can you come over an re thread mine im hopeless at it
    I spent three hours doing it last time argh!!!

  2. Calloo! Callay! Well done, that's good news. I wouldn't have known where to start.

  3. You fixed the overlocker?! I think that means you're officially ready to work at NASA now!

    Honestly, I know all about long tweezers, good god.

    p.s. Thanks for entering my giveaway!

  4. All this happy is contagious - and whats better than a fixed overlocker - nothing I tell ya.

  5. I'm with Ellieboo - complete happiness is the moment when you test it after the threading and IT WORKS!!!!!

  6. Well done Cam. I hear all these horror stories about over locker rethreading etc so I am too scared to even think about getting one

  7. Well done. Can you come over to NZ and sort mine now, please.

  8. yay you! and yay for long tweezers!! ^_^

  9. Wait, what? My overlocker CAME with long tweezers! And I think it's the same as yours, too! I think you were gypped. :p

    Yay on getting it fixed! What a horror when something like that breaks!

  10. Great, I have just laybyed the same overlocker, reading these comments has left me petrified! Do I need another degree to run it? Sounds like there's more threading than sewing! Eeek!

  11. I would be happy if I could fix my overlocker! A thread broke and I've been trying to follow the diagram too, but have given up and will wait until my mum or sister comes over to show me how!! Poor over locker, but why is threading you so difficult? :)


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