
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Eye Spy.....something in my garden

Firstly, a big thanks to Cindy for letting me pick this weeks theme.....

I don't all, so here's my sole contribution to the garden. These were three old mismatched concrete pots that the previous owners of my house left behind when they moved.
I painted them (this was during my mexican colours obsession / phase of 2001), and smashed up some tiles and glued them on. I can't take any credit for the Yucca's that grow like crazy in the pots....unless of course, the pink colour is helping them to grow like wildfire.

Join in Eye Spy Sunday right here!


  1. The yuccas are clearly very happy in their pretty Mexican pots. Perhaps my poor yellowing yucca (currently neglected in a big black pot) needs to be in something more colourful!

    Great theme this week!

  2. I think we all had a mexican phase at one stage! Love the Yuccas. Great theme this week, thanks :-)

  3. They look very happy and healthy in their lovely colourful pots!

  4. i have two yukkas out the front of the pub...they are the only thing that has ever survived...nobody messes with them...

  5. I love the pretty purses. My Yucca was struck by lightening and a big bit snapped off. Perhaps it was just struck with a tennis ball maybe, but I like the lightening story better, anyway, I put the broken bit in another pot, and now I have 2!

  6. very cute pots and im the same - love the idea of gardening but cant quite get into it!

  7. Hey there,
    Thanks for popping over and entering and for the link, you have just doubled your chances.

  8. Oh yes, I'm quite sure I remember Don Burke once saying that Yucca's do much better in hand-painted pink :)

  9. Great plants and great pots. I too am a pot plant girl rather than a gardening girl. I think it comes from moving around so often.

  10. the pots really suit the plants...definately a perfect match, perhaps that's why they're growing so well!


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