
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Pretty Purses

I had a lovely day at Nikki's Purse Making Class yesterday. It's always fabulous to come home with a finished project after a class. I couldn't resist making a pink purse for all for me!

A WIP shot of some hammering action....

It's always great to combine lovely people, lovely crafts, and lovely food and drink too.

Belinda couldn't make it but we ended up with five gorgeous purses.

Left to right - Cathy, Annabel, Serena, Bev, Moi

Thanks for a great day Nikki and thankyou Cathy for organising everything for us!


  1. Nice Purse Cam. I have a kit I got from the Stitches & Craft show but still haven't made it up yet

  2. Now I wonder which one is Curly Pops? LOL Cherrie

  3. Oh Cam your purse is gorgeous!!! That looks like so much fun. I'd love to learn how to make purses like that. Was it hard? I'm just a little bit jealous... :)

  4. Great job on the purse Cam - what a great day you all had.

  5. Cute purses. Not that I know you but yours seems so very you... it is that pink flower fabric.

    The metal bits look tricky and daunting?

  6. That is really cool. I wish they did more things like that on the coast. I would love to be able to try new things like that out.

  7. Hopefully I can do this class next year, they look a bit tricky, but the hammering makes sense. They are all so cute!

  8. Love these grandma had one just like it...she would put here Bingo 1cent coins in it...
    and i would love to go to a class...sad it's too far away...i'm thinking of getting a kit but i know a class would be much better...
    love the curlypops fabric it is SO you...

  9. I really need to move to Melbourne so that I can go to one of Nikki's classes! The purse looks great, Cam.

  10. Great purses! Hmmm, now let me see...which one did you make!! Love it and love your pink fun fabric.

  11. Oh I love those purses and I'd love to know how to make them! What a great way to spend a day!!

  12. This is just so CurlyPop-tastic. this purse is just so COOL.

  13. Yay, don't they look wonderful! It was lovely to meet you and we had a great day.

  14. yes, your signature styling!

  15. They look great . Nikki's patterns are so good !

  16. A signature Curlypops purse - its very pretty! I love the purse line-up too. Looks like a great class.

  17. What fun! Love your purse in your siganture fabric!

  18. Aw wished I was in that class - I love your purse!

  19. I really loved the class, too. Great people. Great purses. Lovely day altogether!

  20. I'd love to go to one of her purse making days. I have her patterns and bits here to make some, but it's the hammering that scares me...

  21. oh the purses are sooo fabulous!!!!!!!!!!! yours is gorgeous Cam! so very you!!!!

  22. gorgeous purses!! what's the hammer for?? xx

  23. I want to do this too! maybe you could all have a little purse making festival up here on day??? Please??


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