
Monday, December 29, 2008

What the?

I ordered myself a new mobile phone the week before christmas.....

It was supposed to be delivered christmas eve (I had to stay home between 9 AM and 5 PM to wait for it). It didn't arrive....grrrrr

Today, a courier driver delivered this huuuuuge cardboard box.

With this little mobile phone....

At least 80% of the space in the box was empty..... very very strange indeed!


  1. Nice phone though! Reminds me of when I open a bag of potato chips... half full of air!

  2. OMG! Funny! I got a box from Amazon recently with one ittle tiny book inside it. They could have posted it as a large letter!

    Oh, and I have exactly the same phone. Got it last week and it's great. Have you tried the Need for Speed game yet? I spend all my time playing it!!

  3. They may have charged you for the air haha. I agree with you, PaisleyJade, I always feel ripped off when I open chips!

  4. phone companies are always doing strange things. I like the phone though. Love the pink!

  5. What?
    Just air? No styrofoam or stale popcorn? That's a bit odd considering your phone might have been safer if it was in a smaller box. Hopefully they charged you postage by weight and not volume!

  6. I hate that! Why oh why so we need all that packaging for such small items. It happens to me all the time when I order books from amazon.

  7. I once received a replacement modem from Optus in a box that would have housed an old-fashioned mcomputer monitor (not flat-screen). Very strange.

  8. I thought you were going to say they sent you a present for wasting your time!! Damn them and there large empty box.


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