
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Beautiful Buttons by Lou Lou

I've borrowed this lovely photo from Lou as I have absolutely no idea where on earth either of the two digital cameras could be.

I was lucky enough to win the Buttons by Lou Lou Valentines giveaway, and these gorgeous pink (ahem - my favourite colour), earrings arrived in my mailbox last week.

Lou makes lots of lovely buttony things - you can check out her blog, her brand spanking new website or even better still, you can visit the Made'n'Thornbury market later this month.

PS - Thanks for all the undie love yesterday. Now I can see the funny side of it!


  1. New undies AND new earrings - girl, you've got it all!

  2. Lucky you!

    I just LOVE these earrings, I may have to buy some off her myself!

  3. Oh, aren't they lovely? I adore her stuff. I've got some very cute cupcake buttons just waiting for a project.

  4. very cute! i adore pink too! (what girl doesn't, c'mon!!)

  5. Very funky; pink and polka dots!Congrats. Hope youve got the undies sorted :-)

  6. Congrats on your win! Pink is always perfect! :) And polka dots too!

  7. They are perfect for you! Lucky you!

  8. these are sooo pretty!!! very Curlypops!!!!!

  9. cute cute, glad you got some new undies too.


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