
Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Sorry no photos today....

I've moved out of my old house. The new owners came to do the final inspection lastnight.

After the moving van took all of my possessions away to put into storage, I realised that they'd taken away my little red suitcase in which I'd specially packed all of my underwear. After two days of moving and not enough sleep, and the prospect of being bra-less and undie-less, I had a little bit of a teary meltdown. But, I managed to pull myself together and go shopping (I dread shopping for bras...aaggghhh)!

Now, I have some lovely new underwear so I'm happy again.

I am seriously questioning my sanity after thinking that I would be able to get any crafting done in the next couple of weeks while I'm staying with my sister. I ended up packing the craft supplies in a huge rush on Friday without labelling anything, and just throwing random things in to boxes. Suffice to say, that now I can't actually find anything. Luckily, I did actually manage to locate my rotary cutter thismorning... just in case I need to cut some fabric for some non-existent sewing.

Counting down......ten days to go.....


  1. oh, new undies (that fit well) make me very happy!

    and as for the sewing . . . maybe you just need to spend the next few days op-shopping . . . *smile*

  2. Moving house is one of the top stressful things to do so it's ok to chill for a bit, relax and enjoy your new undies!

  3. Hang in there. Isn't always the way with packing up houses - something always goes where it shouldn't. Shopping for bras is no fun at the best of times let alone when the ones you own go MIA!!!

  4. I'm sure you'll find a use for that rotary cutter Cam - 2 weeks is a long time.

  5. I'm sure you'll delight in restashing from an op-shop! Maybe you need to put together a little bag of crafty goodies filled with small projects??

    And remember, moving house is supposed to be one of the most stressful events in our lives, so you're allowed a minor breakdown!

  6. I completely empathize! I still can't find my rotary cutter, had to buy a new one.

  7. I lose things all the time because I craft like a pig....I sympathise with bra shopping...Is there anything more soul destroying?

  8. I buy bras online because I hate going into the stores to get them. There is only so many times you can tell a retail worker you don't need help before you get pissed off. Could live without undies but would die without a bra :p

    10 days will hopefully go by fast :)

  9. At least when you start sewing you will be doing it in nice new undies!

  10. Moving is definately stressful. Hope you enjoy your new home! I thought I was the only one who hated the horrible task of Bra shopping. I am going to add you to my list of crafty blogs. You do great work ;)

  11. Oh no - no undies! It reminds me of the time I arrived in central Australia for two weeks camping only to discover that I had left ALL my undies at home. So I feel your pain!

    Hope you manage a little therapeutic/stress-busting craft with the rotary cutter.

  12. Hugs Cam! It will all work out in a couple of weeks, just hold onto that!

    I actually had to go out and buy some new underwear a week ago when my laundry got out of control and I couldn't find a single pair! I know, I know, I need to get onto folding & putting away the ever increasing pile!
    I'm just tired, you know. ;)

  13. Not long now and then you will be queen of your perfect crafty domain. I can't wait to help warm the craft room.

    You'll have to give the crochet another go in the meantime!!!!

  14. Hang in there. Hopefully you will be able to look back on the undie thing and laugh (cause it is kind of funny)

  15. Oh my, I really feel for you, it will all be worth it in the end though.

  16. An excuse to buy new bras and undies must be a good thing! ;) Good luck with the move - we moved all our stuff 640km at the end of last year so I kinda know what it's like - plus, I got lazy and didn't label the boxes properly so now I am like, where is _____ ??? lol

  17. A good cry does wonders and so do new knickers and bras.
    Now, moving is complete crap. It's a universal truth but it will end and you will craft again!!!
    Repeat after me:
    It will end and I will craft again.
    It will end and I will craft again
    It will end and I will craft again ...

  18. You could always make yourself some more? (No, not helpful). Good luck with the next couple of weeks.

  19. Just think how marvelous it will be to finally move into your new house with your new undies!

    : )

  20. you'll look back on the knicker-episode and laugh I'm sure. Good luck with the last-minute crafting... a lot can happen in 10 days.
    thanks too for sending get better wishes my way.

  21. Really hate moving but you now have new undies , bonus !
    clares craftroom

  22. Moving is a pain in the butt...and staying with people can be a pain in the butt...thank heavens you've got some new big girl undies to help u cope...maybe just forget about the crafting and enjoy the new company and space for the next 10 days...think of it as an incubation time for inspiration - well that would be my excuse...take care...

  23. good luck with everything. Hope you read my booblicious post before buying your new bras!!! xx

  24. Use the time to recharge your crafting batteries. buy an ideas book and write down everything you think of over the next couple of weeks - browse Flickr and mark down which things catch your eye etc. Then when you do get back to crafting you will be raring to go with lots of ideas :) Oh and go charity shop shopping to build up your stash :D

  25. Glad you survived the bra and undie shopping! Not long now until you can reorganise and stay put and enjoy your lovely new house!

  26. oh I love some new knickers - but with you on the bra shopping. You will be in serious craft withdrawal by the time you get into your new home!! Think you best hang out at the craft bar at the craft and stitches show!

  27. oh I am sorry to hear about the undie drama, but I did have a bit of a giggle!! I know I wouldn't of if it was me I guess, but hey at least you had a great excuse to buy new undies!!! and as it was mentioned above you can spend the time op shopping and dreaming up new projects too!! and hanging out at the Stitches and Craft Show of course, lucky you

  28. New underwear makes you feel like a new woman! Imagine what new undies in a new house will feel like!

  29. Oh, I do hope you got them on sale at Target!!! How funny - sometines I go bra-less... but not in public!


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