
Sunday, March 29, 2009

To market, to market, to buy a.....

Wowee, my first ever craft market was sooooo much fun!

It was much better than I could have ever expected. The weather was beautiful, the location was fantastic, the stallholders were happy and friendly, there was a steady stream of customers all day long, and the five hours were over in a flash.

The kids craft table and the face painting was a huge hit with the little ones.

It was just like a huge crafty blogmeet - it was lovely to see Cindy, Bec, Liesl, Bev, Nikki, Leah, Ann-Marie, Liz, and Lara. I hope I didn't miss anyone (I have a terrible memory these days)!
We ate lovely cupcakes and drank coffee and chatted about crafty things all day long....

I made some lovely purchases and swaps with Buttons by Lou Lou, Finki and Troischats. I haven't taken any photos yet, but I'll post them later in the week.

An extra special thanks goes to Sel, Cathy and Ms L for helping me out with the packing, unpacking, and set up etc, and to Rach for helping me unload everything today..... and to everyone who came along to visit or bought a little crafty something from me!

I'm definitely going to book in for the next one.


  1. You'll have to pop over and see the title of the post I've just written. Jinx!

    It was lovely to share with you. It was such a fun day out.

  2. Oh yay! Looks like you had a fantastic time! Wish I could have come. Must make the trip down one weekend to see you all in action!
    Hope you having a lovely and relaxing Sunday :)
    Sophie x

  3. Well done Cam, what a huge success! How very exciting for your first market to have gone so well! Hope it all continues that way!

  4. It was a fabulous day, wasn't it! I'm already looking forward to the next one. Hope you and Tinniegirl are my neighbours again ....

  5. I can't believe it was your first market. It was a really good day and great to see some other bloggers again!

  6. It sounds brilliant- what a fun fun day! lucky you!

  7. Wow - looks like you had a super time (Frances too)!

  8. Oh hooray! So glad you had a good market! I've been thinking about you girls today (and secretly wishing I was there).

  9. Your stall looks FANTASTIC!!! So happy for you.

  10. your stall looks fabulous...i'm very envious that you got to meet and chat with so many lovely bloggers...
    and frances looks like she was having a ball...
    that's for sharing the great pics...

  11. Yippee, what a good day! I love seeing your stall in all of its colourful glory, and meeting other crafty ladies. What a way to spend a Saturday. See you at the next one....

  12. Your stall looks awesome! What a wonderful array of goodies. xx

  13. so glad you did so well, and had so much fun! your stall looks great!

  14. Your stall looks amazing! A BIG congrats on your first market being so successful. I'm sure it's the start of many good things to come!

  15. Good to see Frances 'elbowed' her way out to the front of your stall. She looks terrific.
    So happy to hear you had a successful first market. They are addictive!!

  16. So glad it was successful for you

  17. So glad you all had a great day, and a little jealous I couldn't come along for coffee and cake, I wanted to visit and bring home a wee treasure... next time I guess. Your stall looks fantastic, bright, happy and totally unmissable. Yay you.

  18. How great was the Market! Loved the colour and niceness (and the fact it was five minutes away)
    Looking forward to the next one.

  19. so glad it was a great day for you both!! wish I could of popped in too!

  20. Well done Cam, really pleased it was so much fun.....when is the next one?

  21. Wow, that was your first market? You looked pretty organised, and like an old pro! Frogot to check Frances out, was too busy looking at the fabrics- there's a pic on tonight's post to show you why I love that fabric so much. Curtains! So cute!

  22. It looks like such fun. Wish I could have been there!!

  23. Your aprons look so good hanging like that-glad you had a great market

  24. I'm so pleased it all went really well. It certainly looked fantastic!

  25. your table looks great! :D Glad you had fun :)

  26. Oh yeah!!! I'm glad it was a great success for you - I think it was down to a certain pair of birds on your apron ;)

  27. Looks like a blast. I haven't done any shows yet...imagine they're both exhilirating and exhausting!

  28. Congratulations on your first market. It looks like lots of fun!

  29. Great to see you and all your gorgeous wares there. Looking forward to picking up my apron today...

  30. Hiya Cam, my friend came to the market and she said your stall looked ace, especially the aprons!

    Allison x

  31. Ooh those aprons look spectacular! Am bummed I couldn't make it!

  32. Oh wow! Sounds like you had a great day, and your set up is fab! Especially all those aprons.

  33. Great to finally meet you Cam! Your stall looked great...I came back to say good bye and you were swapmped with customers!! (always a good sign!)

  34. wow the stall looks really bright and inviting...glad to hear you had such a great experience of your first market!

  35. Congratulations - I have meaning to pop over to your blog for some piccies! I wasn't disappointed ... markets are definately a little addictive x


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