
Saturday, March 28, 2009

In the nick of time

My market apron is ready to go. It matches this one that I made for Tinniegirl a couple of weeks ago.

Beautiful birdie placemat used as front pocket courtesy of Lynsey.... tropical print from the oppy, and spotty trim from Spotty!

Sunshine - check
Blue Skies - check
Kruddie's Bonus - soon to be check

What a perfect day to go to the market.


  1. the apron looks great :) very nice colours and is sure to catch people's eyes and maybe ask if you can make one for them. :)

  2. Great apron, beautiful day, hope you gets lots of buyers!

  3. What a super fabulous apron! Well done curly pops!

  4. the apron looks will have a wonderful day no matter how many will meet lovely people and friendly faces...enjoy...

  5. It is gorgeous!
    Good luck today. I would be there if it wasnt a plane ride away.

  6. I love the apron, have a great time at the market!

  7. What a lovely crafty apron! It was great to see you again today, with your bright n shiny stall of goodness. And I got to take some home with me, too... a big smile all afternoon! Now I'm cooking up a storm.

    (Mayeb the word verifier can smell it: dishilt it says, delicious dish, says I!)

  8. Yep, it was in Hoppers, as were the Holly Hobbie sheets. My new favourite part of town. Today was heaps of fun, wish I'd had money to shop, but it was good soaking up craftiness and lots of chats. (Word verification is grait!)

  9. Love it! It looks even better face to fabric :)

  10. Gorgeous apron! Have a fabulous time at the market!!

  11. Good luck and have heaps of fun .
    clares craftroom

  12. Good luck with the market. I wish you great success and lots of fun!

  13. love the apron - the spots are perfect! and i wish you many (buying)customers at the market!

  14. Beautiful aapron - perfect for a market. Hope you had a wonderful day at the market


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