
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Envelopes Ready

The glue is dry and the artworks are ready to be stuffed into envelopes for the great mail swap.

My nephews and I had great fun after school on Thursday night chopping up bits of paper, hole punching, stamping, and glueing feathers, pom poms, icy pole sticks, and jewels to create beautiful pieces of artwork.

We made a fantastic mess, someone accidentally leaned on a stamp pad and ended up with a red palm, we spilled glue and paper and goodness know what else.... all in the name of fun.

Wouldn't it be fun to be a kid again!


  1. Are you the most popular aunt EVER? You do such great things with your nephews!

  2. What a cool aunty! Someone always seems to lean on the stamp pad don't they!

  3. Looks like heaps of fun!! Yes I totally agree about the how it is to be a kid again. I just bought a scooter!

  4. That sounds like a really fun thing to do! I kind of miss doing crazy crafty things like that with my little brother...

  5. how fun! I love doing things with kids. I wonder if we'll get one of those artworks :)

  6. Kids make life more interesting - mine love playing in my craft room and getting EVERYTHING out!

  7. so much fun...i love helping out with art work and i have to stop myself getting TOO involved...after all it is surpost to be the kids work...drat

  8. what a great idea. My children love getting mail, so we will have to give it a go.

  9. Looks like they had heaps of Fun!

  10. cam what FANTASTIC mail, so glad you guys are playing along!

  11. Looks like heaps of fun. What a nice auntie you are!

    Is that a bit of Luckie crafting happening there too?


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